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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever confused night for day?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25195points) February 6th, 2024

I just woke up at 7am and I thought that It was 7pm.

It is dark at both times in Canada. In the winter.

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12 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

have fallen asleep in the afternoon, and wakened at twilight and thought I had slept through the night. It isn’t uncommon.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup, that is one reason my watch is set for 24 hours, military time.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I do the same as @Tropical_Willie. After it happened a couple of times when I had to replace my clocks, I purchased 24 hour time pieces. 06:00 meant that I had overslept & 18:00 meant I could go back to sleep!!!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I once fell asleep in the early evening, then waking at 10:30 pm. I looked at the clock and jumped up in panic. I had a job, and I thought I’d overslept by hours. It took me a few moments to notice the darkness and understand that everything was ok.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I do every once in awhile if I take a nap before dinner and I fall into a really deep sleep. But I have this one memory from when I was a kid when I had been sleeping before dinner and I woke up out of deep sleep and thought it was the next morning. So I went downstairs and my family was all sitting around, I assumed for breakfast, although it was really for dinner. I asked my mom what was for breakfast and everybody started laughing at me and it took them a couple minutes to convince me that it wasn’t morning.

Forever_Free's avatar

Many times when I traveled for business. Long time zone differences and flights messed me up

SnipSnip's avatar

I always know if it’s light outside or dark. I have awakened from sleep or sedation and not understood how it could be the time on the clock because, as you know, you have no concept of the passing of time in those instances.

smudges's avatar

I got up and started the coffee maker at 3 am once.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes! Years ago I was with a crew cold testing vehicles in Kapuskasing. In January!
Unfortunately I got sick. At the peak of my illness, I got up to go to breakfast at 6 am in the lobby. There was no food. I waited for a while but nobody showed up – not even my coowrkers!. I asked at the desk . It was 6 pm! I slept the whole day – and nobody bothered to wake me! They knew I was not feeling swell so they decided to let me sleep it off. It was very embarrassing. But nice!

Kropotkin's avatar

No, but my dad did once.

It was 9pm and he started yelling at me to get ready for school.

RocketGuy's avatar

My grandmother did. She was visiting from Thailand (15 hr difference) and I was just getting back from work at 6:00 pm. She saw me, looked at the clock 6:00, and asked if I was headed to work so early in the morning.

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