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LadyMarissa's avatar

In your opinion which is the best processor Intel or AMD?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16291points) February 9th, 2024

I was told by an old IT friend to always buy Intel over any of the others. So Intel it has been for the last 17 years or so. My friend has passed & I can’t get updated info from them. Now I’m reading that Intel is falling out of favor & none of the explanations give me much in the info department. So, I’m asking, in your opinion which is currently the preferred processor? It doesn’t have to be one of the 2 I’ve listed, but what you consider the best of what is currently available?

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11 Answers

RocketGuy's avatar

Intel usually comes out ahead in processing capability but AMD soon almost catches up in total capability by adding more memory and better graphics. And Intel is always more expensive. So if you need to max out processing, spend the $. If you can be a bit relaxed, AMD has well-priced options.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No real difference.

The only high-level observation I would make:

AMD is an aggressive and growing company, and has fresh ideas and is moving into AI chips for its next trillion dollars.

Intel is safe but boring. The financial literature says that they are past their time. They haven’t done anything innovative in a decade. They persist, but they’re not all that creative.

Now, those paragraphs aren’t a reason to buy one machine versus another. But it’s useful to know their business reputations.

ragingloli's avatar

Depends on what you want.
If it is single core performance, Intel is slightly ahead in many applications and games, but at the expense of significantly higher power draw compared to AMD.
AMD has been making significant advances in terms of performance, while Intel stagnated, and the latter had to resort to increasing the power envelope of their CPUs, at the expense of efficiency and heat generation. You can run any AMD CPU with an air cooler, whereas the higher end Intel processors need water cooling, if you do not want them to cook.
If you need multi core performance, like for high end simulations and rendering, or running a server farm, AMD is the only choice really. They have been beating the shit out of Intel in that arena for several years now.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I was emotionally attached to Intel until I got disappointed with an all-in-one desktop that I purchased before covid.

They didn’t have the items that I listed as a requirement over chat.

I wanted 2 TB ssd hard drive.
I wanted an CD/DVD rewritable.

Instead I got a P.O.S. that crashed so much that I gave away to the local repair shop for parts.

I use my phone for everything fir now until I save up for an all cash purchase.

ragingloli's avatar

That is an issue with the system integrator you bought it from, not Intel. You would not blame a tyre manufacturer for the overall quality of a shitty Ford.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli Ok right. I was just venting. At the time I didn’t know the difference between Intel and Dell. I made the mistake of thinking that they were the same company.

Sorry Intel for the guilt by association. I will continue buying Intel computer products.

Also sorry to Dell for not speaking up sooner before my warranty expired.

Kropotkin's avatar

Even though Intel has the best performing CPUs for productivity, and marginally so for gaming—it’s at about double the power draw of the flagship AMD CPU.

Whether AMD or Intel is better is really down to what you want, how much you want to pay, and whether you care about things like power efficiency.

Is this is something you’re thinking about for a personal purchase or upcoming computer build, I would suggest consulting a reputable tech review site, like Gamers Nexus (about the only one I trust these days).

LadyMarissa's avatar

THANKS everyone. What you guys had to say makes more sense that what I’ve been reading. I don’t game & I feel that I don’t necessarily need a huge processor; but I’ve used Intel for so long, I feared switching to AMD without knowing what I was getting into!!! Then the more I read the more confused I got. Sounds to me that for the difference in price, I can probably take a leap of faith & just go for it!!!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It depends on the current snapshot, what you will do with your computer, and the relative value for the price. For most people who are not running games, it’s cork sniffing. You won’t see the difference with a general PC of equivalent value.

Zaku's avatar

I am a gamer and software & game developer. I do use my hardware, though I don’t care about the most extreme current 3D games. I have had absolutely no need for a faster CPU (or a newer OS) than the one I got about 15 years. I did get an SSD and 16 GB RAM, maybe 8 years ago.

If you’re not a gamer or mining bitcoin or running software that wants as fast a CPU as possible, then almost any CPU that’s only 10 years old or less, is probably overkill for your needs.

If you get a new/recent computer and it’s slow, the CPU is not what’s making it slow. It’s something else about it (like the bloated OS, the SSD, the configuration, the spyware, the “security” software, the 200 open web browser tabs each with 100+ tracking scripts, etc).

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I worked in PC retail, IT network support for 1000+ installations, corporate database development and I have been a home PC user for 20+ years.

Intel and AMD are interchangeable for me.

Gaming is different, I know nothing about that market, I leave that to the participants.

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