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jca2's avatar

Are you gung ho about Joe Biden, the Presidential candidate?

Asked by jca2 (17250points) February 14th, 2024

Are you gung ho about Joe Biden running for President?

I don’t mean in reference to “I’d rather have Biden than Trump,” I mean for Joe Biden himself, as a candidate.

There’s no right or wrong answer, as it’s asking for your opinion, and everyone is entitled to their opinion so there shouldn’t be any arguing on this thread.

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25 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

No, not gung ho on Biden, but even less gung ho on the criminal.

gorillapaws's avatar

Biden has made the US complicit in genocide in violation of US law. He deserves a cell in The Hague and if not there, in a Federal Pen. They can make him bunkmates with Trump.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think he is better for Canada, than an spray tan Don.

filmfann's avatar

While I have disagreed with some of his actions, I have to admit he has masterfully contained recession, grown the economy, and shrank unemployment and created jobs! I’m impressed!

RocketGuy's avatar

Biden turned out better than I expected. He seems to be able to make deals to get things done.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

F*** no. We are in two proxy wars and on the verge of two more direct conflicts. I highly doubt he is running anything at all. He can barely find the podium when he needs to speak. His cabinet and advisors seem to be running everything and they lead him around like you would an elderly relative to their dinner time at a rest home.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m not gung ho on Biden for the next four years, but his current term has been ok in my book; I agree with him about 75% of the time. I wasn’t gung ho on him during the presidential primaries in 2020 either, but I was ok with him, and did wind up voting for him.

Demosthenes's avatar

No, I am about as unenthusiastic as one could be about Ol’ Genocide Joe Brandon. But this country has shown repeatedly that candidates like Biden and Trump are the best we can do, so they are certainly whom we deserve. It has been a long time since I cared about presidential politics. Local elections at least still hold some interest for me and I do feel like I have some stake in them.

snowberry's avatar

Joe has dementia, and he isn’t running the country; his handlers are. He’s a puppet. No, I will not vote for Joe.

zenvelo's avatar

Gung ho is not the way I would describe my support, but he is the second best President in the last fifty years.

seawulf575's avatar

Lolololollllooolll. Oh wait…this was a serious question? Let’s see, he destroyed the economy that was doing fairly well when he took over, he created the crisis at the southern border and has only made it worse throughout his term, he got us into 2 proxy wars, he has shown himself to be a joke on the world stage, he has corruption issues that stem back to his days as VP at least and possibly back to his Senate days, he is a racist, he has weaponized the federal government against US citizens, he got us dependent on foreign oil again and he drained a large chunk of are national reserves of oil. Gung Ho is not the term I would use.

But to his defense, I can’t honestly say he is responsible for any of these things. His mental acuity was questionable before he took office, he didn’t really campaign, and since being in office his demeanor is that of a person entering the mid stages of dementia. I don’t believe he is running the country at all. But since the puppet-masters are hiding in the shadows, he is left holding the bag. Of course the next Dem candidate will likely be a puppet too.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think Joe has done FAR better, than some give him credit for.
That being said. It is sadly true, that he does not appear to be in great health. The office ages everyone. Biden was a Hail Mary pass by the dems to stop Trump. He did that.
What the dems didn’t do, is appreciate that Joe was only going to be a bandaid. He should NEVER have been seriously looked at, as a two term POTUS.
The dems have had ALL this time (really, since Hillary,) to come up with a small stable of potential future POTUS candidates.
I’m afraid that the dems’ have already fallen too far, to pull the shute now.
If I were head of the DNC, I would have been developing several people to run in 2020, and 2024 the second I realized Trump beat Hillary.
Personally. I only thought Hillary had a chance, because she was running against Trump. She wouldn’t have gotten my vote. The apparent plan of moving Hillary up, seems to have been their plan for a long time. I know it was her plan.

Perhaps the more important question, currently, is “what do people think about Harris?”
THAT, to me, is another mind boggling strategy.
I don’t dislike Harris. But, I honestly haven’t ever been content with any VP, if they had to take the throne. I imagine K. Harris has not been idle, but nothing she has done has reached me.
The dems strategy still seems to be, stop Trump. That’s a great idea. But the dems need to actually have a better plan than, “we’re not Trump.”
If they had even a remotely sensible, maybe more centrist
candidate to run, instead of Biden, I think the dems would easily win against Trump.

Here we are. AGAIN.
Two candidates that nobody in their right mind would want, and they HAVE to choose one.

So. I will continue crowing about how systematically broken the American “democracy,” is.
For those who have been trying to talk me into voting for decades, I dare them to opine that the 2024 race is an example of how they want this to work.

Factor in that both parties are more interested in getting each other’s candidates impeached or imprisoned (which they probably all should,) than they care about any issues they are supposed to actually address.

The constant infighting in DC, is starting to remind me more of the Middle East, with irreconcilable differences that can never result in harmony.

Zaku's avatar

On the US political scale, I’m considered far-left, notably beyond Bernie Sanders. I’m an environmental voter.

I was not enthusiastic about Biden in 2020 (but of course voted Biden in the General election because I’m a million times behind not-Trump).

I have been almost entirely extremely pleasantly surprised by Biden’s actual presidency, however. He’s undone tons of the terrible Trump crap, if not all of it, and he’s taken the high road of doing what a president is supposed to do, rather than anything inappropriate about the criminal previous president or his cronies. He’s been doing a great job of effectively doing the right things, even despite the obstructionist sabotaging BS from Republicans in Congress.

I have a few dis-satisfactions from a progressive/environmentalist standpoint, but not many.

The worst thing I see about Biden, is that somehow he’s not more recognized as an effective president who by all rights should be out-polling Trump by at LEAST 60:30 (the 30 being insane MAGA fools).

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Biden caved on that pipeline. (Keystone?)
I was VERY pissed.

Caravanfan's avatar

I was fine with Keystone.
But I am not okay with Biden. But I will vote for literally anybody who is not Trump. (I haven’t liked Biden since the Anita Hill hearings)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

As for caving the economy hasn’t unemployment been below 4% for well over a year?and again taking oil from the reserve didn’t that in turn bring gas and oil prices down?
then with the lower cost replace that oil back into the reserve Rep/cons don’t want you to know that.
As for keystone wasn’t it supposed to go through some very sensitive aqua firs, and the nobody could promise a rupture would never happen.
the rep cons thought the risk was worth it, but then it wasn’t their drinking water if a disaster happened .
Is Biden perfect shit no,but still a lot better than spray tan Don.

RocketGuy's avatar

Oil from strategic reserves: sell high, buy low. Make $$$ at the end.

smudges's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The dems have had ALL this time (really, since Hillary,) to come up with a small stable of potential future POTUS candidates.
I’m afraid that the dems’ have already fallen too far, to pull the shute now.

I’ve mentioned that in threads at least twice on Fluther and no one has ‘caught the ball and run with it’. (discussed it)

Politicians are just laying low because, ”~~He’s the President!~~” echoechoecho

I agree, it’s too late now. We’re stuck with Biden running because no one has had the balls to run against him. I have nothing against Biden other than his age and I can’t help but wonder how mentally fit he is. I don’t truly know and don’t claim to – only his physicians really know that. and they ain’t talkin’

So when trump’s elected prez I don’t want to hear democratic politicians whining. They had their chance, but noooo…gotta respect the reigning president.

Sorry, that little rant was a bit off-topic

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m pretty sure the plan is for Biden to get enough delegates to clinch the nomination (preventing any progressives from being elected) then he’s going to back out and the party will just choose an establishment candidate like Newsome, or J.B. Pritzker. They may throw in a token black woman on the ticket for optics. Mission accomplished, Billionaires have another 4–8 years without fear of a return to pre-Reagan progressive taxation and all the DNC people get their checks, contracts renewed and post-government positions on lock.

MrGrimm888's avatar

My bad @smudges . I try to avoid political threads. But. As the election grows closer, it seems like a hurricane. I know it’s out there, and it’s coming. I just don’t know how bad it’s going to be. I’m thinking Category 5 shit storm…

The closer it gets, the more I clutch my pearls.

I think Newsome is the best for beating Trump, this time. He IS a left leaner, but he “politicians” well. He absolutely embarrassed DeSantis. DeSantis is much better at speaking, because he sometimes is held accountable for his actions.
Thinking of Trump getting publicly talked to, like Newsome talked DeSantis is very satisfying.

I am NOT sold on Newsome, as a great POTUS. He is not without his issues. But he is the closest thing to a loud, confident speaking voice from his party.

As absolutely crucial as presidential debates are to a real democracy, it is astonishing that there will likely be both candidates trying to dodge it.

How is this democracy?

Demosthenes's avatar

Re. proxy wars, remember there is bipartisan support for sending $95 billion to support these proxy wars. Biden absolutely supports them, but so does the government more broadly. Proxy wars have been the U.S.‘s bread and butter since the end of WWII. Support for Ukraine and Israel (especially the latter) would not suddenly end if Trump became president.

MrGrimm888's avatar

(Rant warning.)
Yeah. It’s impossible for me to believe that the Christian conservatives would allow “the Holy Land,” to fall into Muslim hands. Which, make no mistake is exactly what would happen if the US withdrew It’s significant support for Israel.
The Arab world would produce someone that would not just attack Israel, but likely attempt to take the land Israel sits on. That is, if multiple Muslim nations don’t team up against Israel anyway.
But the world, in general, is not pleased with the IDF.
The US might possibly benefit from Israel falling. At least, we wouldn’t be putting resources into an unsustainable Jewish state in the middle of the Muslim world.
Move anyone who will come, to Utah. New Israel. Let the ME fight over the “Holy land.” Which they ALWAYS will.

Ukraine is a different story.
Russia (under Putin,) is a huge destabilizing force in the world, and is clearly in aggressive expansion mode. The western world had a chance to get involved very early on. As tanks and Russian gear were slowly poured into Ukraine in an extremely brazen act, the world watched.
Knowing war was imminent and what effect that would have on NATO countries, IF NATO was going to probably be involved, we should have struck then.
As a combined force, when Russian hardware was stuck in miles of traffic in a VERY vulnerable/strategically stupid position we could have annihilated Russia’s entire western army. A blow they would never have recovered from. Nukes were/are a huge problem. The US would never agree to nuclear disarming. So. Neither will any other country, that intends to potentially rub other countries wrong.
So. We were always facing a nuclear problem.
First off. We should all be VERY thankful that Russia has been so ineffective, and lost SO much anyway.
Had Ukraine fell easily, there would be the a new Russian western front, on NATO doorsteps. THAT would be a MASSIVE problem.
The US took the lead, on Ukraine. It is essentially the battleground for the West vs Russian hostility. Every nation in NATO is glad the fight isn’t happening on our turf.
Bullshit aside, we are helping Ukraine, and although it is in the name of their freedom, it is in our best to stop Russia there.
☆US analysts have openly admitted to learning a great deal, by watching this war. They believe that we would have similar issues with the current battlefield. In short, we need to rethink many of our tactics, and where our money goes to somehow maintain our current global status.
Seeing priceless Russian military equipment destroyed by a exponentially cheaper and more effective drone craft.
Russia has now lost a third of their Black Sea navy, to kamikaze drone boats.
They have lost countless other expensive armored vehicles and attack aircraft, to a technology that seems limited only to the imagination of how to use first person drone technology.

Russia really stepped in it in Ukraine, and Putin knows it.

Iran may be a bigger problem, as they are essentially THE cause of the IDF vs Gaza/Hamas conflict.
They are a contributor to almost every conflict with US interest.
It has also been made clear that Iran is providing arms (mainly drones) to Russia.

I think the US would have already gotten personal with Iran, if not for watching multi-million dollar Russian tanks running from innovative $200 drones and other Wiley Coyote/A.C.M.E. inventions.

Obviously. China (it’s leaders) is a problem.

North Korea.

The list of enemies is long.

We need to probably focus on getting away with funding and arming Ukraine for as long as possible, before direct war with Russia. We cannot pose the dominant threat EVERYWHERE, as evidenced by our seeming inability to protect Red Sea shipping.

Russia cannot likely sustain the war forever. I wager Putin is waiting to see the hand he gets, when US elections shake out.

kritiper's avatar

Who else you got??

MrGrimm888's avatar

I know that I have heard about many world leaders preferring Biden, and the most common reason is that Biden is reasonable.
Trump is an embarrassment, outside of his cult rallies.

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