Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Earring wearers: Where did you get that great pair?

Asked by Jeruba (56255points) February 15th, 2024

When people ask this, I don’t think they really want to know where you purchased your earrings or who gave them to you. They’re just noticing or admiring them.

My question: Do you actually remember? When someone compliments your ear jewelry by asking where it came from, do you remember, and will you tell them?

When you look through your collection, picking out what to wear today, do you think of the source? Does it influence your choice? Do you deliberately wear certain things on certain occasions, and do you ever explain?

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12 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I am a pretty literal minded person in some areas, if someone asks, I assume they actually want to know, so I tell them. And I get that it’s often just a way to initiate conversation, or a way to indicate that they noticed something. (It took me decades to understand that “Fine, thank you, how are you?” is pretty much the only acceptable answer to the most familiar, casually asked query that there is.)

I don’t really wear jewelry regularly anymore, but when I did, I always consciously picked it out, and, except for the most common and generic pieces, remembered where I had gotten it. Another little ADHD trait.

So yes, I remember and I will tell them, and probably make a story of it, which irritates some people but others find charming.

jca2's avatar

I stopped wearing earrings during the pandemic, because the mask would get twisted with them and I would risk losing them. Since the pandemic, I’m no longer in the habit of wearing them.

I would choose earrings either based on the mood I was trying to convey (spring weather, whatever) or what I was wearing. I don’t recall being asked where i got them. I’d be complimented on them and might offer where I got them in the ensuing convo.

I used to shop more than I shop now, and I would always hit up the clearance racks in stores and I’d get great stuff there, cheap. I also collect Betsey Johnson earrings but I just keep them in the box.

I have a lot of silver ones. Maybe I’ll wear some tonight.

janbb's avatar

Unless I’m going to a wedding, I wear the same small gold hoop earrings all the time. I have a whole collection of one gold hoop earrings after their partners got lost. I think someone should start a trend of wearing mismatched earrings! On the rare occasions when someone would ask me where I got mine, I would probably remember and probably tell them.

elbanditoroso's avatar

There are many women who would slap you if you asked them “where did you get that great pair?”. But That probably doesn’t have to with earrings.

smudges's avatar

I’m like @canidmajor. I often can remember and tell them. For the last 5–6 years every pair has been hand-beaded by myself. Some I love or are fun to make so I’ll make 8–10 pairs in different colors.

I can just imagine a conversation with @canidmajor…Acquaintance: “Have you read any good books lately?”
@canidmajor: “Yes.” .....silence ;D

smudges's avatar

@janbb I think someone should start a trend of wearing mismatched earrings!

Actually, I’ve seen a number of people (males, too) doing this. A good friend of mine who owns a bead store does, and I have once or twice. It works best if the earrings are somehow related – like a sun and a moon, peace symbol and a heart, or the same colors.

canidmajor's avatar

@smudges Nah, I’d list them all in one breath. I can project…. ;-)

@janbb I have five holes in my ears, I enjoyed getting creative with all sorts of combos!

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t get a lot of compliments on my earrings, but I usually wear very simple earrings, and they are usually small. My large earrings are most often basic hoops, like what you would see in the 70’s. I don’t remember where I bought most earrings, but I do remember who gifted me several pairs of my earrings.

I will mention that recently people have been noticing my Mickey Mouse faux diamond studs. I bought them at the Polynesian at Disney World this past summer. They are not anything special, but there are a lot of Disney fans here, and I tend to wear them with my hair is pulled back.

My Porsche earrings that dangle get noticed, but I only wear them to Porsche meetings and Porsche events. I bought them at Sebring race track.

As an aside, I do have a piece of jewelry that gets noticed very often when I wear it. It’s an 18k yellow gold ring with lots of little diamonds that go halfway around. My husband bought it for me (so to speak, I did pick it out) about 15 years ago. Back in the first few years that I owned it when people would compliment the ring I would tell them, “you can have the ring too, I bought it at Bailey Banks & Biddle at Wolfchase mall.”

SnipSnip's avatar

I don’t wear any jewelry and haven’t for years, but back when I was young and did I loved to buy items made by far-away artisans through fair trade organizations. I preferred items made with native woods. I also had several necklaces of beautiful wooden various shaped beads that I loved.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I tell them. Usually its the artistic pieces, not glam jewelry, that gets compliments here. I have bass, wild turkey feathers and all kinds of ‘silly’ pieces.

kruger_d's avatar

My favorite pair were purchased from the MET giftshop on a trip to NYC and are a copy of pair in their Roman collection. I have a pair with a beads shaped like the hear/see/speak no evil monkeys that get comments. Don’t remember where I got them.

jca2's avatar

@kruger_d I have some beautiful jewelry purchased at the Met gift shop. They have great stuff. I love how their jewelry comes with a little brochure which explains what the historical inspiration for the piece is.

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