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JLeslie's avatar

What big project are you working on?

Asked by JLeslie (65974points) February 15th, 2024 from iPhone

Can be at work or at home.

I’m back to getting rid of stuff in my house. When covid started I got rid of some old clothes, some regift items, and purposely used up small bottles and samples of shampoos and lotions. I also threw out about three boxes of files.

I’m back at it again and I have my husband involved this time. Two weeks ago we got rid of about four trash bags of stuff and hoping to do another three or four next time he is back home, and then one more time maybe a couple of weeks after that. We aren’t throwing everything out, we are gifting a lot of items on the Buy Nothing group where I live.

My other new project is researching a vacation to Colorado, because I was invited to a wedding.

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13 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m trying to develop the “back end” server code to create a foundation for future growth at my company. Unfortunately, I spend all of my time doing sales and other stuff that it’s been taking a back seat for a while.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m constantly working on my canoe, and trailer. I have had a custom made one, that has been great, for years. I’ve been nursing it along. I have a few drawings, and I know what I want. I just have to justify buying a new trailer, and marine grade wood. And then do all the work to put it together. I’m still recovering from my liver transplant. But. I WILL be fishing in time to “beat the banks” in April for Bream.
I have been trying to come up with new ways to protect myself against Alligators. I am not in physical condition to have to deal with them in the spring. I have a “fish wacker,” that I used to push them away with. But that was when I was far more physically capable. I have added a telescoping deck pole, and a pick axe thingie for last resort.

I like to have my canoe fully packed, and ready for launch. There just aren’t really any trailers made just like mine.

I need to respool some reels, and change lines on my cane poles. Even though I probably won’t catch mutch, because I keep trying not to use live bait.
Those fishing lure commercials are bullshit. I sight cast big Reds in the marsh ALL the time. I’ve even hit them with my plastic bait. If it were legal, I’d be far more successful just spearing fish I see in the shallows from my canoe. It’s not uncommon for me to find catfish sleeping practically out of the water in tall grass. I am also reluctant to potentially puncture my canoes hull.

I’m honestly still just trying to figure out what to do with myself, as a sober person…
I suddenly have so much time on my hands.

canidmajor's avatar

I have a fabric stash I am working through. I make a lot of my own clothes, and sewing is something I can do that is not too physically taxing during this stupid Long Covid thing.

chyna's avatar

Same as you @JLeslie. I’m going through closets, the pantry, the basement and will hit the garage when it warms up.

smudges's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I’m honestly still just trying to figure out what to do with myself, as a sober person…

I was terrified to stop drinking. I had no idea who I would be, literally – my personality, interests, everything. I’d been drinking for ~35 years.Turns out sober is much better and I pretty much like myself.

smudges's avatar

It’s not a big project in size, in fact it’s pretty small. I’m making a 7×9 inch tapestry of sunflowers with beads that measure 1.6mm x 1.3mm. I had gotten about 3 inches done in length when I realized I’d made a mistake so bad that the only thing I could do was start over. So now I have about ½”. At my beading speed I figure it’ll take around 6 months.

Also working on emptying boxes from when I moved in.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I’m always trying to get better organized, but right now I’m particular I am working on a huge custom photo diamond art kit for my friend.

janbb's avatar

I haven’t been working on any but this thread inspired me to clean out two shelves today in my office.

cookieman's avatar

At home, we’ve been slowly cleaning up the basement as part of a larger declutter effort.

Me and my wife’s “project” for the next 15 months is to keep supporting our daughter as she nears college graduation.

At work, I’m looking to switch full time jobs to a place I currently adjunct at. For my part time gig, I’m almost finished developing six new classes for their graphic design program.

JLeslie's avatar

Yesterday I went through all of my master bathroom cabinetry (everything is in cabinets I don’t have a bathroom closet) and I’m so happy. I got rid of about 20% of my stuff and reorganized.

janbb's avatar

@Caravanfan What does that mean?

Caravanfan's avatar

@janbb It’s an astronomical target. I have data that I’ve been working on, off and on, for months and I’m finally getting done with it.

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