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MrGrimm888's avatar

Do you still physically hit machinery, when it is malfunctioning?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) February 16th, 2024

It occurred to me that technology has passed the point, where knocking something back to life is a realistic strategy anymore.

I find myself hitting the side of computers, and other high tech stuff when I am frustrated.

Is anyone else, stuck in the past?

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13 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not as much. Most things now are solid state (computer chips) and they don’t react well to being hit.

In the old days of mechanical (analog) parts, slamming worked. Digital doesn’t.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Not exactly, but gentle “tapping” with a chopstick or my finger when safe is something I still do frequently to identify microphonic/failed components in analog amplifiers and radios. It’s surprisingly effective. (An obscure hobby, I know) I still give reed relays a rap when I suspect one is stuck. That’s just a more refined version of giving something a good smack to bring it back to life like most of us old-timers did with CRT televisions back in the day.

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO…I switched to cursing the dayum thing years ago. Hitting only hurts me!!!

SnipSnip's avatar

Yep. My shredder. It takes three good whops to the top to get it going. He and I have been doing this dance for about a year. I have a new one in the closet waiting for his turn.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Occasionally with the printer / copier at work, but not to the point where it could actually damage it. The printer copier and I have a love-hate relationship but currently, all is well between us.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I never have. Rick still does though. He once whanged the dashboard of the car to fix it. Damn if it didn’t work!

RocketGuy's avatar

I tap things if the cause might be from a loose connection. If no change then it’s not a mechanical problem.

filmfann's avatar

I used to work on digital equipment (battery rectifiers) that occasionally needed that whack on the side.
Now days, that kind of abuse is frowned on. You need to sit down with the equipment and discuss their feelings.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Vacuum tubes could be losing contact in the tube socket. Whacking the side could move the tube in the socket.

kruger_d's avatar

Only vending machines which I feel is legit. Not useful, but legit.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I didn’t even think about vending machines.
If they are in a place where nobody is around, I will not let it rob me. I’m a pretty big guy. I can rock the machines back and forth, until I get something. Even if it isn’t what I payed for.
I know I have attacked dozens of snack machines. When I used to drink, I would really smashed them up.

I was in a medical building a month ago, and they had vending machines. I just wanted a bottle of water. It charged my debit card $5, and told me it kept the rest for credit. How the Hell is it supposed to remember it owes me $3.75?
There were two armed guards, in a nearby desk. Otherwise. I’d have beat $3.75 of damage into the thing.
I have an appointment there, on the 20th. I owe it at least a good kick.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@filmfann That’s good stuff.

JLeslie's avatar

Rarely, but not never. This Q made me laugh. Thank you.

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