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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is this how Trump will pay off his $350 million owed to the court? Selling Trump sneakers?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33763points) February 18th, 2024

read this and weep

Something poetic about the sneakiest president in history selling sneakers…

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39 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO. He won’t have to. One of his fidiots has started a Go Fund Me to help him pay it off. At this point, he’s supposed to have enough cash to pay it off as well as EJ Carroll. His lawyers might not get paid though!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

As of Feb. 18, 2024 4:39AM EST they had $92,000 !

I don’t think they’ll make their goal by next month!

ragingloli's avatar

Imagine donating anything to a convicted fraud, rapist, and self-proclaimed billionaire.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“The actual cost breakdown totals $28.50. This means Nike makes a profit of $21.50 on a $100 sneaker. Subsequently, after taxes and administrative expenses (including research and development), true profit is approximately $4.50. These profit and cost numbers can fluctuate depending on a number of factors.”

So $400 “Turd sneakers” would net him $18 per pair; they need to sell 25,277,777 pairs by the 17th of March.

jca2's avatar

It’s pathetic and he has zero shame.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So do you think one of our own right wingers will give to the go fund me page ,or rush out and buy a pair of his gold colored sneakers??

seawulf575's avatar

Interesting article I just saw. Truckers are talking about boycotting all deliveries to NYC starting tomorrow because of the sham fraud trial ruling against Trump. That would be interesting. Let’s see how Letitia James deals with that one.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Will Trump be able to sell property in New York to pay for fine? Is the 3 year ban in effect immediately? Or does he have time to sell off assests?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So wulfie are your new golden sneakers comfortable,as well as shiny?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 grab your ankles if his ilk put New York and other cities out of business . . . maybe you should move to Moscow ?

You must speak Russian !

The Government will activate the National Guard and Armed Forces to drive the trucks and . . . strikers are out of money.

Maybe Trump’s followers should hold their breath for ten or twenty minutes until they are DEAD !

elbanditoroso's avatar

Sounds like a stupid idea for the truckers. They lose all that great union salary – and for what? A crook?

Unlike politicians (where politicians can be moved by strikes and labor actions), the Trump decision was by a court of law. (Law – a concept unknown to many conservatives- surprise!) So these truckers can do anything they want but a court decision is a court decision.

And James has nothing to do with it now.

Sounds like an incredibly poorly thought out conservative idea.

Typical republican – if you don’t like the courts you act like a mob. (see: January 6 2021)

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso There will be plenty of deliveries to other areas. That’s how trucking works. And they’re not acting like a mob. The exact opposite. They are avoiding the area. Besides, Mobs are also the bailiwick of the left. Remember all the cities destroyed and overrun for whatever reason they felt like it?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie how was this case a sham, your hero committed fraud ,real estate fraud and was caught
it was against the law and now he has to pay,and yet you maga’s keep saying political witch hunt and a sham.
As for boycotting deliveries to NYC , some might refuse but all wont .
there will be carriers willing to take up the slack for those that wont do it.

jca2's avatar

I googled the alleged boycott of truckers going to NYC and it’s 10. (TEN). Hahahaha. 10 drivers. I’m sure those 10 (count ‘em, ten) drivers are going to cripple NYC’s economy.

ragingloli's avatar

He talked to 10 drivers, so it is 11 in total. Get it right, LIBRUL! /s

elbanditoroso's avatar

I wonder how much effect the 10 truckers are having in their boycott.

Actually, who are they hurting, by not delivering? Republican business owners who won’t have merchandise to sell. Capitalism being thwarted by MAGA republicans.
This was a particularly stupid idea.

jca2's avatar

I just googled to try to find stats on how many trucks enter the 5 boroughs of NYC every day. I found from 2019, stats saying 120,000 trucks enter and leave the 5 boroughs every day but I’m guessing there are more recent, post-pandemic stats somewhere. I just spent about 15 minutes looking.

let’s say it’s 120,000 trucks entering and leaving the 5 boroughs, so it’s 60,000 trucks entering (and therefore 60,000 trucks leaving). If 10 or 11 or even 100, or even 1000 of those trucks refuse to make a delivery, because they’re pro-Trump it’s just a drop in the bucket.

Also, if a trucking company refuses to honor a contract, it will be up for lawsuits and if a driver refuses to make a delivery, I’m guessing he’d be fired and replaced.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Gotta love those MAGA wizard strategists….

jca2's avatar

@elbanditoroso They’re grasping at straws, for sure.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 We have discussed numerous times how this trial was a sham. It starts with the fact there is no victim. The banks were satisfied with the final valuation they used to approve the loans, the loans and interest were all paid back. The next problem is the judge ruling on the case before the trial ever even started. It is customary in civilized nations to allow the prosecution to present their evidence and the defendants their evidence before a verdict is reached. Imagine, for a moment, if you were arrested for murder and the judge ruled, before any trial started that you were guilty and the trial was just to see how guilty and what your punishment would be. Would you consider that a fair trial? Go ahead, try to justify it. Or better yet, just do what you always do and dodge it. The next sham is the calculation they used in trying to determine the penalty. Since there was no victim, trying to add interest into anything, or even a principle for that matter, is idiotic.

What these liberal activists just did is to tell every real estate developer that they can and likely will be taken through just the same sham because the Dems can. Great way for the state to get money, isn’t it? Accuse and punish with no victim, no crime and no trial? Wanna bet business flee NY state in droves and no one will move back in to fill the void?

As for boycotting, there are drivers all over refusing and now carriers are joining the boycott. Again, Letitia James and Judge Engoron just declared war on business.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 You forget things like the boycotts in Canada that were extremely effective. You forget that the Dems are pushing to get rid of fossil fuels, putting all these folks out of business. Truckers can and likely will come out in more than one-1000. You could end up with huge numbers…40,000 of the 60,000 you used as numbers…refusing. And maybe a carrier gets sued and maybe they don’t. But either way, before such a suit could even be filed, NYC would be on its knees. Letitia James will be screaming at the appeals court to fast track any appeal Trump has. She won’t care at all by that point what the punishment is.

jca2's avatar

I doubt that will happen from truckers being mad about whatever the Republicans claims are that they’re mad about. I haven’t seen anything about it on the news (the regular nightly network news) so it’s not even a “thing.”

jca2's avatar

The leader of the group Truckers for Trump backed down on his “threat” and removed the social media posts. I did click on a link for Truckers for Trump on FB and the group is taken down. I guess the leader of the group is not so brave after all.

Link (because you know I love links without even being asked):

jca2's avatar

I’m rubbing my hands together to see “NYC being on its knees.” Let’s see.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The funny thing about this conversation is that @seawulf575 is sounding a lot like an activist Democrat.

jca2's avatar

Good point!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie the fraud is he secured a better interest rate a the properties over evaluated worth,he wouldn’t have got that rate at their true value ,hence fraud.
Second he devaluated the same properties to pay less tax on them, screwing the state of New York out tax money, hence fraud though you refuse to see it,no political agenda just plain big business fraud and your hero got caught but please keep screaming political witch hunt if it makes you feel better.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yet every real estate investor does this. The banks don’t take their word for the valuation to determine the interest rate. They do their own assessment. I believe my house is worth $400,000. A buyer comes in to buy it but goes to a bank. The bank, before giving a loan and determining the interest rate gets the property appraised and they look at the credit rating of the person wanting the loan. If the appraisal only comes up to $350,000, that’s all they will loan and probably not even that. That doesn’t establish the interest rate, though. Typical interest rates are based on a good credit rating. If the borrower has a crappy credit rating he/she can still get the loan but the interest rate will be higher. If he/she has great credit then the interest rate is lower.

The properties he used were used as collateral for a building loan. The total value of the properties, as determined by the banks, was well in excess of the loan value. Not to mention Trump, himself, was worth more as well. It was a win-win loan. Trump got the loan, didn’t defraud anyone, paid the loan back with interest, and everyone was happy.

It’s sad I have to explain basic economic things like this to you. As soon as you see “Trump” your brain turns off.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Ah, the “everyone does it so I can’t have been at fault” defense. That may work in 2nd grade. Probably not in Federal Court.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@elbanditoroso It didn’t work for Judge Arthur F. Engoron . . . Trump is TOAST ! !

MrGrimm888's avatar

As a person who frequents gun stores, I can say that I have seen Trump’s face carved/stamped on several hand guns.
Usually they are chrome/nickel plated, and quite expensive.

I would think that he gets a portion of most of the random Trump swag.

I wouldn’t mind giving him a little business, by buying some Trump face toilet paper. I just hope it flushes better than all the things Trump was dumb enough to flush in The Whitehouse.

ragingloli's avatar

Careful, that might give you a horrific rash, and possibly, a painful prolapse.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso But in the legal world, “everyone does it so I can’t have been at fault” actually has a meaning. It’s called Selective Prosecution. If everyone is doing it and they are only prosecuting one person, that is not allowed.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Loli, Trump IS a pain in my ass.

ragingloli's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yeah, but he is not doing any R&D. He is using some shack based shell company to buy some ultra cheap junk in bulk off the rack from Alibaba, Temu or Wish. If he delivers anything at all. He is already taking the money with no money back guarantee, and nothing is currently being produced. He will probably, as he has always done, take the money and bolt.

jca2's avatar

Another embarassment, a former president selling merchandise like that.

jca2's avatar

I heard Letitia James today on the radio, saying New York State will seize Trump’s assets, if he doesn’t have the money to pay. Since he has property in the form of buildings, as well as other assets, I guess they’ll just seize a few things to get up to the total that he owes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Watch the spray tan run down his fat cheeks when that happens.he,he,he.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ya @SQUEEKY2 his blood vessels on his neck and temple will be the size of an Oscar Meyer wiener.

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