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elbanditoroso's avatar

Interesting conundrum. Who do you believe, the Republican male senator who denies impregnating an aide, or the Democratic former senator who mentioned this in an interview?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) February 27th, 2024

She (former Senator Heitkamp) said, in an interview, that it’s true, the Republican congressman (Representative Matt Rosendale of Montana) impregnated one of his aides.

one of many articles

What makes this even more interesting:

Two weeks ago he announced he was running for Senate, then last week -just after the pregnancy news broke – he dropped out of the Senate race.

He’s three times the age of the staffer (60 versus 20) – one wonders how much coercion took place.

If there is a scandal and if he has to leave the House of Reps in disgrace, that makes the republican majority (if you can call it that) even smaller.

Who is to be believed? And more to the point, does this sort of shenanigan help the Republican party?

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