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JLeslie's avatar

What did you think about Biden’s State of the Union address March 2024?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) March 7th, 2024 from iPhone

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23 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Mike Johnson’s eye rolls and head shaking were annoying.
Joe did pretty good for a guy the opposition describes as so old he can speak a coherent sentence.

jca2's avatar

I thought he spoke well, for Joe. He stumbled a few times but he was good.

I still say he’s too old.

MTG is a piece of shit.

JLeslie's avatar

I thought he was great. Some of his mumbling is from his stutter I think. I noticed he switched words, used a synonym, at least once to finish a sentence. That’s a stutterers trick. I still would prefer a younger candidate, but we don’t have a choice.

I loved how he looked right at the Republicans a few times and challenged them and how made some jokes.

Did the Republicans stand up for anything he said? They sat through some things that I would think the entire chamber would stand and applaud.

seawulf575's avatar

I heard it put very well: It was great as a proof of life. He can still yell at people. Beyond that? Nah. Most of what I heard was rhetoric and not particularly good rhetoric. He spent too much time trying to slam Trump instead of telling America what the plan is for the future. He has no plan for the future, just more of what we have endured for the past 3 years.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t like the idea of we don’t have a choice. I have choices, although they may not be voting for Biden or Trump.

jca2's avatar

I thought Katie Britt’s rebuttal sounded like an unhinged person.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 When I was watching her I kept thinking, what is she? An actress? A bad actress.

My husband said she sounded like the voice on the commercials for the dogs who are abused and tortured. He’s right. Her tone and cadence are the same as the ads.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I liked that President Biden is supporting the Chips act.

gorillapaws's avatar

@jca2 “I thought Katie Britt’s rebuttal sounded like an unhinged person.”

Haha, you’re not alone. David Doel of the Rational National did a good piece on it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It was a strong campaign speech, I’ll give him that. Obviously I called bs on much of the content and rolled my eyes several times.

The rebuttal was weird, too. Sounded like a teacher talking to elementary kids.

chyna's avatar

There is something very wrong with Katie Britt.
The speech was fine. He wasn’t making fun of disabled people, women or children of other politicians. I call that a win.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

From the little bit that I saw of the Republican rebuttal I believe that Katie Britt is the best choice for Trumps VP.

They are made for each other. She has the ability to be noticed in a crowd, and no news is bad news. In fact I believe that she would definitely be a problem as VP. The Republican party founding principal us that the government is the problem. So it works for me.

She would be a perfect VP, and one day a presidential candidate.

Caravanfan's avatar

Honestly I didn’t know it was going on—I read about it in the paper this morning.

JLeslie's avatar

@Caravanfan Worth watching.

jca2's avatar

@gorillapaws I’m going to read it, thanks.

Katie Britt sounded whispery and like she was going to cry for part of it. I was like, is she just a good actress?

jca2's avatar

They say Trump likes her. Probably because she’s on the young side and fairly attractive.

YARNLADY's avatar

I liked that he appeared robust and lucid and said all the right things.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Honestly. The “state of the union,” was on full display in the audience of our leaders.
Since Obama, the republicans have made a habit of shouting out slander.
As more Trumpers join the chaos that is the current GOP, they are descending into a compete retardation. They seriously managed to make a Jerry Springer Show audience of human trash, look proper by comparison.
As a tax payer, I am going to have to see some drug screening on that side of the aisle.

When I was bouncing, I used to head a (Budwieser) bikini contest 5 summers in a row, every Sunday.
Negative feedback from the crowd was STRICTLY prohibited.

I can honestly say that I have seen better behaved bikini bash crowds than members of the GOP at the speech.
What a complete embarrassment for the right.

Biden did great, for someone with hecklers that would be forcefully removed from ANY other venue.
I would have personally dragged MTG out. As a former head of security in much less important events, I am embarrassed for the security team.

Biden has battled a speech impairment, for his entire life.
What impairment leads one to act like the republicans did?
Drugs? Alcohol? Mental illness?

Of course Biden took it to Trump. He has EVERY right.
If I was Biden, I would have been unable to NOT point out that Melania isn’t around any of Trump’s rallies. Then I would ask, in a very sarcastic manner “where is Trump’s wife?”

Biden performed just fine.
What he lacks in Trump-like low brow entertainment, Joe makes up with relevant content.

With more Trumpers in Washington, we will truly be living in an “Idiocracy.” I can’t wait.

Blackberry's avatar

We’re all waiting to see SNL do Britt.

jca2's avatar

@Blackberry Me too. They did!

jonsblond's avatar

@Blackberry The great Scarlett Johansson played her tonight during the cold open. I think she saved the current season.

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