Opinions on new PETA cause?
PETA wants Ben & Jerry’s to use human breast milk, instead of cow milk in their ice cream. They say it’s unnatural for humans to drink another species milk. They think it would be like a dog drinking from a giraffe. I think human breast milk in ice cream would be disgusting, haha.
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54 Answers
as much as I love animals and respect some of what they are trying to do…that’s freaking insane. They need to focus on other things…like puppy mills.
its perfectly normal for us to consume breast milk. what do you think you drank when you were 6 months old? i think it would kill many babies because they would be malnourished. and by the way, you cannot make cheese out of breast milk. I’ve tried.
Breast milk in ice cream? I think it would be really sour and disgusting.
I can understand people not wanting animals to suffer for no reason, be pumped up with steroids, live in a small cage waiting to be eaten, etc.
But what I don’t understand is why PETA wants animals’ rights to be on par with humans.
There are plenty of people in the world who live in much worse conditions than the average American’s house pet. Let’s solve world hunger first and THEN we can worry about whether or not cows are being milked against their will.
oh my dear god, i understand why, but seriously, i think that’s just 100% nasty.
No, I don’t think it’s weird. I’d try ice cream with breast milk. Why do people get so freaked out over breast milk? It’s just milk from a breast. At least boobs are clean, have you ever seen a cow utter? Egh…
I wouldn’t not try it, but I’d only not want if it tasted bad. I don’t think it’s abnormal, just not the norm.
Source seems to be a blog that is trying to make a point, perhaps satirically. You’d need a LOT of wet nurses to churn out all the ice cream consumed in this country.
Ben and Jerrys ice cream already uses all natural cows that dont have any kind of hormones
@gail, maybe it’s just at a certain Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, as opposed to all of the ice cream they make, like to test it out.
It is unnatural for humans to drink another species milk. However, it would be just as unnatural for us, as adults, to drink human milk. That said, it would be more natural for humans to drink human breast milk compared to cow milk.
Weird is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. Personally, I think it’s weird that so many people think it’s a weird concept.
@gail: No, that’s PETA’s own blog. PETA wouldn’t poke fun at themselves on their own blog.
i wasn’t breast fed and I didn’t breast feed. so, ugh.
forgot to mention this above
im all for animal rights and all, but peta is just fucked up, they are no better than the people they are fighting against
I’m just not understanding what people have against breast milk. I mean it’s totally normal and natural. I don’t think it’d be easy to make all that ice cream with it though.
@poofandmook- Gail’s right. PETA is trying to show the absurdity (by their standards) of people drinking animal milk. It’s obviously meant as satire and as a clever way to deliver an agenda.
i have nothing against breast milk…if you’re feeding your baby.
@Astro: Oh. Duh. I thought she meant that they were poking at the absurdity of making breast milk ice cream. I think my pain pill is kicking in
It’s not being against it, i just was never raised on it or around it so in my opinion i don’t find it very appealing. If i had a baby, i personally would never feed it that way…
Can I pick the breasts the milk comes from for my particular ice cream? Because then you’d have a WHOLE different situation goin’ on. Probably a lot more masturbation at work. Especially in the Ben & Jerry’s factory.
On top of that, you’re gonna need some triple z’s to get that type of breast milk. We’ll be encouraging obesity, although those hugely obese women that fit those white trash stereotypes could finally find gainful employment! Kid on one and a a pump on the other. Have a birthing room right there within the factory!
To answer the question though, I think it’s weird too and agree with Uberbatman. Let me ask you this. If you think it’s not weird, if your mom was still producing milk would you sit her down for some milk and cookies straight from the farm?
Maybe humans will be able to genetically engineer… never mind, I’m creeping myself out.
@amandaafoote You’ll find the male employees sharing those.
It’s not natural for humans to drink cow milk or human milk, unless it’s a child drinking human milk. Period. Neither concept is weirder than the other.
They’re trying to tell us that we shouldn’t be consuming milk at all, human or animal. They aren’t actually suggesting that we use human breast milk. They’re drawing the conclusion that there isn’t a difference between the two.
This has pretty badly misfired, I think. On it’s own it’s a silly enough suggestion for people to see it for what it is, but it comes from an organisation with a history of pretty radical suggestions.
This type of writing only makes PETA look even more nuts. I’m sure they’re not all that crazy, but they certainly do come off that way.
Oh god, when I originally heard about this I didn’t realise that Ben & Jerry’s had actually replied!
“We applaud PETA’s novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother’s milk is best used for her child.”
PETA needs to step away from satire, I think. Or maybe include a disclaimer. Something like “JOKE! Do you see what we did there?” would do. When the company at the butt of your campaign actually replies and doesn’t understand, there’s something messed up and you’re not impressing anyone.
Not to mention that the comparison simply isn’t drawn for me.
I am an animal lover and do my best to try to protect them (hate the whole activist word).
Why’d PETA do this? To get publicity. Why pick Ben & Jerry’s? Because:
a)they knew it would get them in the media
b)Ben & Jerry were the only one’s they could think of that have gone completely out of the box w/their flavors/ideas.
All I can say in conclusion is (as an animal/nature protector) Please ignore everything Peta says and please listen to the HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE US and the ASPCA instead of PETA.
Ben & Jerry is in KA-hootz with PETA. Conspiracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ignoring PETA…. now
{i’ve been ignoring them like i’ve been ignoring greenpeace for the last umpteen years}
and holy exclamation points Bastard!
{that sounds worse than it’s meant}
Well if we’re going to drink our own milk we’ll have to start eating our own meat and eggs.
Yes I’d like the ovarain eggs over easy, and can I get that smothered in a light cream sauce? Oh, you only have the male cream sauce available? Ok, fine, I’ll take that one then.
I support the Humane Society of the US and the ASPCA as well. Check them out for yourself.
The milk thing doesn’t bother me either way…I don’t care for milk, so I could easily live without it. I do think that it can be good for a person, but I won’t dispute the notion that cow’s milk is also linked to health problems in humans…I don’t know enough about this, and I don’t doubt it, either. I don’t agree with PETA in most respects, but I completely disagree with the mistreatment of animals. I was going to give the arguement that if a cow is not milked, she will endure pressure, pain, and possibly infection; which is true. However I read PETA’s article and didn’t realize that milk cows are continuously kept pregnant. I guess it’s kind of naive of me to have thought that they just keep producing milk. So in a sense, it would benefit cows if people did not drink their milk, but it would also cause them pain (at least in the beginning until they become dry). http://www.guardian.co.uk/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-1194,00.html
I absolutely love animals, but PETA is ridiculous! And they need to get their facts straight…humans are NOT the only species on the planet that drinks the milk of another species. There are plenty of animals that will willingly take the milk from animals of other species. It happens all the time. Mothers abandon babies and other animals will feed them. It happens in places like zoos, but it happens in nature, as well. I also read some of the other articles on their website and it seems that they often write without doing proper research. The article about the tattooed pigs is incorrect, in that the artist who tattooed them, first sedated them, so they were not being restrained and most likely did not suffer any anxiety or fear. I am in no way saying that tattooing pigs is ethical…I’m sure they were in pain when they awoke. All I’m saying is that PETA is quick to accuse without having (or heeding) the truth.
Regardless of the fact that this was only an ironic ploy used as a publicity stunt, PETA would be a much more credible organization if they included all of the facts in their articles. In my personal opinion, PETA is completely absurd and outlandish. But then again, that’s the way you get controversy and attract people’s attention, so they must be doing something right.
WHAT? I come from a (now fully retired)dairy family so I feel I must respond. Dairy cows that are pregnant are milked. However, for best production and health of the animal it’s best for the cow NOT to be pregnant. After a cow has a calf, she’s taken off the line.
Cows DO NOT need to be pregnant to have milk. That’s absurd. FYI- Goats do not need to be pregnant to produce milk, either.
Sorry, I was only going off of the information that I just looked up. After reading the PETA article, I did a little bit of research, thinking it sounded odd, and found other sources that said that most cows need to continually get pregnant to keep producing milk. Not that they must be pregnant in order to milk, but that they must continuously become pregnant to be able to keep producing the milk (for long periods of time). I completely believe you…I have virtually no experience with cows, so from what you’re saying, my original opinion was correct. I’m not in any way agreeing with PETA, by the way.
@silver, I didn’t take it personally, I just didn’t want anyone reading it to actually believe it was true. Peta are lying sacks that do NO actual help to bring about REAL laws or in act change in government to protect animals.
I know this first hand. They never step into real community issue (like sharp shooting of deer because people don’t want wildlife in their backyards, or puppy mills, or Michael Vick, or——the list is WAY to long).
Again, the only animal real animal protectors are listed above. Both have caused real change in laws governing animals (as a matter of fact here in WI people can & have gone to jail for hurting/abusing/killing animals. The average sentence is 7yrs per count against the offender. This is due in large part to the HSUS. God bless them & the work they continue to do)
What’s written on Peta’s website is all propaganda.
I completely agree…the ASPCA is very high on my list, as well as the Humane Society (I used to volunteer and loved it).
By the way, thank you for clearing that up for me. I was actually pretty confused by it. :)
I love our local county Humane Society. There is a group of kids who volunteer on Saturdays and will cut nails on cats and dogs for a small donation. So I include them on my end-of-the -year charities (assuming I have any discretionary income left this year).
Ummm i know this may seem overly obvious and all, but what about just using Soy milk? Or do we need to stand up for the inhumane treatment of the soy bean as well?
@uberbatman – haha awesome answer!
Uber; Ever try soy ice cream? it is truly frizzer. (Or do I mean corky?)
@gail no, i havent had the pleasure. Should i put it on my shopping list?(any brand you can recommend?)
Stick with Ben and Jerry’s. Soy ice cream is un-uberbatman—->disgusting.
awwww nut bunnies thats a shame.
im currently hooked on Pumpkin cheesecake Ben and Jerry’s
soy and tofu taste like goo goo muck.
I’ve pretty much discounted PETA as anything but entertainment. It’s funny how this mob of nuts say and do anything to make people believe what they’re saying…anyone remember the “beer is better for you than milk”?
Or, “cigarettes are good for your health.” To be fair, PETA did not say that.
PETA did have a campaign telling us to drink beer rather than milk because it was better for us. It was part of their “Milk gone wild” campaign if I remember correctly.
@winblowzxp: Beer and cereal sounds good.
It’s looney.
I didn’t need to read the details.
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