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Brian1946's avatar

Have you ever heard a song in a particularly meaningful location or other context?

Asked by Brian1946 (32817points) March 9th, 2024

One of my favorite 70’s songs is Take it Easy.

The lyrics mention that, “I’m standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona….”.
So I’m driving along Route 66 in Feb, 1973, and I stop at a cafe in of all places, Winslow.
I enter the cafe, and lo and behold, it has a jukebox.
And believe it or not, “TIE” is one of its selections, so of course I played it.
And then of all things imaginable, we ate.

Unfortunately, the girl in a flatbed Ford never showed up. ;-(

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5 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

“Move Bitch, Get Out Tha Way,” was something I sang in traffic for years. (Ludacris.)

Tom Petty made some excellent driving music…

seawulf575's avatar

One of my favorite driving songs is Radar Love (Golden Earring). One night while cruising, the song talked about “Last car to pass, here I go” so I passed the car in front of me. There were no other drivers on the road.

smudges's avatar

When I was driving to meet my birth mom for the first time, a particular song came on the radio and blew me away. It made it all feel right.

Forever_Free's avatar

Countless times because I love music and love to travel.
One memorable was driving North of Oklahoma City on I 35 with my daughter and a highway sign appeared for Wichita just as White Stripes – Seven Nation Army came on. Lyric is “I’m going to Wichita.
Another that occurs every 4th of July is at Tanglewood music venue in the Berkshires. James Taylor always sings Sweet Baby James Last year he did it with Yo-Yo Ma playing cello as he sang. The lyric is:

Now, the first of December was covered with snow
So was the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston
Though the Berkshires seemed dreamlike on account of that frostin’
With ten miles behind me and ten thousand more to go

anniereborn's avatar

I am sure, like many of us, I like to play “Lake Shore Drive” by Aliotta Haynes and Jeremiah when I am actually driving on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago.

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