Social Question

Where would YOU recommend someone go, "to see what life is really about"?
I was struck by MrGrimm888’s recent assertion that:
“If you want to see what life is really about, go to Walmart.”
One of my friends has sometimes asserted something similar, but about bars.
Neither make particular sense to me. I think both types of places can be interesting to people-watch, but I also think both types of places most notably feature people gone astray (grasping but unlikely to find much of value) and/or partly losing their minds in various ways, and/or doing themselves harm.
I wonder too what that expression generally means? I have the feeling it’s not really used to literally mean “what life is really about” – or else that people who say that, have very different ideas about what life is really about, than I do. Does the expression really mean something like, “if you want to see people do some weird stuff, people do a lot of weird stuff (revealing their dysfunction) at X type of place”?