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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever streaked or known someone who did?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 11th, 2024

In 1976 my best guy friend streaked down J hall my senior year. Destroyed my biology class!


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22 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I never did it, but back in the ‘70’s it was certainly a thing. I knew some kids in school who said they did it, but I didn’t witness it. People back then would “moon” people also, which for those who don’t know is pull down their pants to show their ass to someone. I never would do any of those things. A lot kids back then said they went skinny dipping also (naked swimming in places where you are expected to have a bathing suit on). Whatever. I tend to follow rules and norms.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I skinny dipped in a section of the creek behind my house a few times
It’s wonderful.

canidmajor's avatar

Some friends and I streaked the university radio station in 1974. The staff cheered, that was the entire fanfare. We got a brief mention on the air. We felt daring and silly.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve gone swimming topless many times, but it was on a topless beach. I think technically you aren’t allowed to be topless in FL, but that area of beach a good 50% of the women are. Full nude doesn’t interest me except in private.

janbb's avatar

I see streaking as different from skinny dipping.

JLeslie's avatar


smudges's avatar

@JLeslie There are fully nude beaches in FL and a lot of women just go topless at them. I went to Playalinda when I lived there…and I wasn’t just topless. ;)

SnipSnip's avatar

Yes. When we were at college I saw a few guys streak.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got groped and grabbed and threatened with rape when I was fully clothed! Can’t imagine what would happen if I ran around naked!

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges Oh for sure there are nude beaches in FL, but I used to go to 8th street on South Beach, which was topless. I think the nude beach on South Beach was around 14th street. I lived there back in the late 90’s, not sure if some of that has changed. Playalinda is a well known nude beach in FL. Haulover Beach also is well known.

kevbo1's avatar

My all-male college dorm had a “bun run” across campus during finals week—maybe it happened every semester, I don’t remember, but there’s a print-not-digital picture of me somewhere sporting rollerblades in 30 degree weather. (A women’s dorm added a titty trot some years later.)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Skinning dipping with four girls on a moonless night at community pool.

seawulf575's avatar

Streaked when I was a kid. Nothing outrageous…I didn’t run across the ball field in the middle of the game. I have been skinny dipping several times. The last time was about a year ago in the hot tub.

jonsblond's avatar

The closest I’ve come is a nude beach but I still had my bottoms on. This was on the central California coast.

Forever_Free's avatar

Yep. Back in the day, my friends and I streaked a local Dairy Queen.

zenvelo's avatar

Spring of 1974 there was a “streak in” one night at UC Santa Barbara. We all went over to the dorms where mostly freshmen lived, and streaked the halls. There were hundreds of us.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I may have once in the rain with friends out in the countryside. And we may have been drinking. :)

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

in my college years, I lived in a 4-guy apartment across the way from a 4-gal house. We had a sister/brother relationship where we could walk unannounced into each others’ space.

The women had a backyard hot tub and gave us all-hours access. When they had parties we liked to walk nude through their crowded house and into the backyard for a soak.

Their friends called us “the naked guys across the street”.

We also had a nude beach on a pond near campus, and a topless “beach” atop a parking ramp.

@JLeslie it was Michigan State, the south end of Grove Street, near Linden and the parking ramp

JLeslie's avatar

^^What years were you there? I don’t remember hearing about a nude beach.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

late 1980s. The nude beach was east of campus. It was isolated, a few minutes walk from any road. I wouldn’t be able to find it today, even on a map.

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