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mazingerz88's avatar

What are the things you can do when you’re drunk but more likely not when you’re not drunk?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) March 11th, 2024 from iPhone

Singing Karaoke for example…

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29 Answers

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jonsblond's avatar


Apparently I’m pretty good at it when drinking and camping. I impressed my husband recently with this talent.

gondwanalon's avatar

I don’t know. I’ve never been drunk. I suppose that I would be better a making a fool of myself if I got drunk.

smudges's avatar

Get in a horrific car accident and live. Bodies go kind of limp and bones aren’t as likely to break

Zaku's avatar

Say (and/or post online) more silly and more regrettable things than I usually do. Vomit.

anniereborn's avatar

I can be more social. I am fairly social as it is, but I am more widely social.

filmfann's avatar

Dance, or more accurately, think I can dance.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve only been drink a few times. I can’t think of anything. Maybe that’s part of why it never was very appealing to me.

Forever_Free's avatar

fall and break your teeth

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. There’s a difference between “while drunk,” and “while buzzed.”
Drunk, to me, means you should try to fight your inner self and just go home.
Buzzed, comes before drunk, and drunk leads to bad places usually.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Buzzed and drunk are all the same, the difference is in how much. There is buzzed drunk and more drunk and then sloppy drunk, and finally, blackout-wake up in a pool of piss drunk. There is a linear correlation between the amount and likelihood of negative outcomes.

KNOWITALL's avatar

All of the above (karaoke, socializing, dancing) plus perhaps less inhibited sex.

chyna's avatar

Urinate anywhere.

Koxufoxu's avatar

being happy in life

janbb's avatar

I’ve only been drunk about twice in my life. I usually drink about one glass of wine a week but it means so little to me that I’ve given it up completely for now.

mazingerz88's avatar

I would do bungee jumping if I’m drunk or just buzzed but not when sober. Most likely I would see the trail of my own vomit swirling around me at some point.

Strauss's avatar

Ride a cow!

And not remember it the next day!

True story! I had just graduated from high school. My younger brother’s band had been hired to play for a private party in a rural area. I went along as the lighting tech.

Long story short: First set, great! Pause for a intermission. Pause in my memory…I think I might have been drugged as well as drunk! This was in the late sixties after all…

I remember some bits and pieces here and there, including some of the ride home. The next morning my brother showed me the mud stains on the back of my shirt from Bossie throwing me off! He laughed about it and said I lasted more than 8 seconds! But t I could never remember that ride!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Keep my mouth SHUT!!! One of the reasons I quit. My drunk mouth overloaded my drunk ass on a regular basis.

longgone's avatar

[mod says] Moved to Social on request.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Thanks mods! :)

syz's avatar


Forever_Free's avatar

Think you can Dance

janbb's avatar

@Forever_Free Like Elaine Benis?

SnipSnip's avatar

Get a DUI.

smudges's avatar

omg ELAINE dancing!! SO funny!

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