What do you think Donald Trump was referring to when he said there would be a "bloodbath" if he's not re-elected in 2024?
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jca2 (
March 18th, 2024
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26 Answers
Probably what he said he meant.
‘The Fake News Media, and their Democrat Partners in the destruction of our Nation, pretended to be shocked at my use of the word BLOODBATH, even though they fully understood that I was simply referring to imports allowed by Crooked Joe Biden, which are killing the automobile industry,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.
Obviously not the greatest choice of words given his antics after he lost the last election, but in this context, and being as charitable as possible—I think it was about economic consequences.
I think he is predicting his lunatic fringe supporters will do something to create a disturbance. How destructive it will be I don’t know.
If it does turn into a real bloodbath and the attention focuses on him, he can just say uh I meant the auto industry that’s it the auto industry.
Dog whistle to his followers. Anyone who still supports this deranged person is deluded. And anyone who thinks Biden is too old is not seeing the forest for the trees.
I think it means that his followers will take out their swords and slaughter all Democrats in the streets.
Does it really matter what he meant? We’re talking about it; that was the point.
He was talking about putting restrictions (I cannot remember the actual word, it started with a T) on cars China makes right? My parents were listening to it not me, but with the context I heard I got the idea it was referring to an economic crisis like @Kropotkin said.
However, it was a very stupid and terrible choice of words. I get what he was trying to say but that phrasing added fuel to the fire.
Actually, @Demosthenes hit it. We (and all types of media) are talking about it.
This is the same guy who, during his campaign in 2016, said that his “2nd Amendment people” would know what to do if Clinton won, effectively calling for the violent future assassination of a sitting US President.
But his minions here will undoubtedly demand links and proof (look it up yourselves, guys, save your outrage) and when confronted, he said he was kidding. Kind of like when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and still get elected. His rhetoric is full of violence, which alone should be a turn off for any person with a conscience.
It is stochastic terrorism, pure and simple.
He can trudge out any explanation he wants to shield himself from culpability, but we all know his maga/Qanon acolytes will interpret it as a call to violence, just as he intended.
He means to gain points with the guys with two flags mounted on their compensation trucks (at least one of which is a Trump flag), who like to fantasize and post on the Internet about doing violence for Trump. You know, the January 6 types. He means to add fuel to the fantasy that there are many people who would do violence to try to put Trump in charge of the US.
He’s trying to incite violence like he always does.
After Jan 6, of course it means he wants his base to engage in violence.
This is one of those statements that’s like a political Rorschach test. How you interpret it shows more about you than what the statement really means. All I can say is wow, but not surprised. When I read it I think it means that he is saying Biden is a weak leader and the shenanigans our enemies have been up will intensify. He is insinuating we’ll be heading into WWIII. He is also hinting at economic peril.
^ I’m curious how you interpret these words:
Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Bush: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
@jonsblond He was bragging he could have any woman he wanted because he’s so rich and powerful. Beneath that is the desire to feel important, to impress, and to hide his insecurities. The fact that he most likely did do this and got away with it on occasion tells me his ego is inflated as a result.
It was a metaphor. A figure of speech for the possible economic collapse of the auto industry.
^^ That sounds like such a lame explanation. Can I sell you a bridge in Brooklyn?
As Maya Angelou said…when someone tells you who they are, BELIEVE them!!! Regardless of what damage control is saying, he’s promising you that Jan 6 is going to look like an Easter parade when his army strikes.
@gondwanalon That was exactly my point. He thinks in terms of violent metaphors, this is a bad thing. A person aspiring to or occupying such a position of power should speak mindfully. Pick a different metaphor, set a different tone. Do better.
@janbb I think it’s stretching reality of the contents of what Trump said to conclude that he was talking about real violence with bloodshed.
Why do you feel the need to belittle me?
This question asks, “What do you think about….” this and I simply wrote what I think.
@gondwanalon I’m sorry you were put down but I am truly frightened that people do not see how Trump’s violent speech has led to violence and will likely lead to more.
@janbb I don’t get offended.
Also I’m no fan or supporter of Trump. I can say a lot of negative things about him.
I think that there will be far more violence from the far left if Trump wins. If Trump loses then we will all have to deal with the economic consequences. Either way we all lose.
Good health!
Another of his scare tactics.
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