With us out in the world again, can you tell me about a positive birthday during lockdown and subsequent isolation?
Today is my birthday, and I was reminiscing with some friends earlier about my birthday in 2020. It was unique because it was at the start of lockdown, so I had a nice dinner with champagne, alone at home, while on Messenger (Zoom wasn’t really a thing yet) with three, familiar to all of us, friends.
My Messenger celebration with @chyna, @Hawaii_Jake, and @janbb stands out as one of the most memorable birthdays.
Please tell us of an especially positive birthday experience during that rough time.
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8 Answers
I remember that day! I was sipping wine while we messaged each other. It was a fun evening.
My birthday is March 5, and that same year I was home alone as work made us stay home if we were nonessential employees.
But my brother had me come over and they were on one side of their two car garage, masked up, and I was on the other side, masked up with the doors open.
We just visited for about an hour. No food, drinks or cake. We didn’t want to get too close, not knowing much about Covid yet. But it was nice to see him and his wife in person. It made my day much brighter.
@canidmajor Thanks for this trip down memory lane. Happy birthday!
I don’t remember specifics but I believe I had a take out dinner on the deck with the two neighborhood women who were in my “pod.” And the phone calls, FB posts and messages rounded out a nice day.
It’s funny how the Covid times have become very blurry in my mind.
I remember that event very fondly. I’m glad we all shared your birthday in that special way.
What a lovely memory.
I recall my 2020 Birthday which is late in the year. I hosted friends from NY at my house. The first vaccine was not out yet. We all were worried we couldn’t pull it off if anyone had symptoms and cancel.
I can still visualize playing cards and mahjong while we were masked up, laughing and not seeing the smiles.
Happy Birthday!
One of my daughter’s friends had a drive by birthday party, around April of that year. Those were popular at the time. Then the sister of that girl (also a friend) had a party where the girls were outside, keeping a distance, no cake, I don’t think.
By the time my daughter’s birthday came about, near the end of May 2020, weather was warmer and so since I live on a lake, I planned a little something more organized at the beach on the lake. We had four girls (2 sisters + 2 sisters) plus their two moms, plus two other of our relatives, and I ordered pizza to be delivered. I made pina coladas and put them in mason jars in a cooler. I had a cake from Costco. I remember it was a cloudy day but the temperature was fine for hanging outside.
I was a little nervous that someone would call the police because there was a gathering, because at the time, that was what the Governor was asking people to do, to slow the spread, but nobody did and afterwards, I was thinking it was silly of me to think that because here, people are pretty cool about us all being neighbors and stuff like that.
The girls walked out on the dock and just had a good time, and the adults chatted.
I don’t remember my birthdays as an adult
Except for one. I was on the road with Rick and my phone rang. It was my son. We spoke briefly.
Rick asked who that was.
I said “It was Chris.
“What did he want?”
“He called to wish me happy birthday.”
Rick said “It’s not your birthday!”
I said “Well yes it is.”
The look on his face was priceless!
He took me out to dinner that night! O:
And I wish I had been on that phone call Canid! Happy uberbelated Birthday!
This was between two lockdowns and after the first vaccine, but there were lots of unusual rules in place still. I had a fairly special birthday, but big gatherings were discouraged or probably actually illegal at the time. I still wanted to do something special. So we (husband, dog, and I) went to a hotel in a nearby town. I was pretty cautious about Covid, but this felt safe enough because we didn’t need to interact with anyone. We passed only a handful of people on the way to the room, and everyone was required to wear N95 masks.
It was a really fun and chill night, and the day after, we met up with my mum and sister at a zoo. We had to book a slot and the visitor limits were sensible, so it didn’t feel crowded. And because it was my birthday, I ate a lot of ice cream.
I don’t usually do Birthday outings, but maybe I should do more things like that.
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