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JLeslie's avatar

Should I wear the smaller or larger Loop earplugs?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) March 26th, 2024 from iPhone

I bought some Loop brand earplugs and both the small and medium tips seem to fit and filter out noise. Medium block a little more noise, and they don’t hurt, but I’m definitely more aware of them. Which should I wear?

Side note: I’m happy with how they look and I bought the magnetic string to be able to wear them around my neck, and I love it.

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6 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

This is the first that I’ve heard of loop earplugs. I’ll try them.

I’ve used earplugs every day for over 30 years. Used many different shapes and designs made foams and rubbers.

Size is important. Blocking sound is important. Comfort is important. How they look is not important.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I bought the “special” they were running that has the experience earplugs and the string for a lower price. Here’s the link for that:

SnipSnip's avatar

I keep earplugs in my little pouch that I carry in lieu of a purse these days. I just used them Sunday when visiting my mother. They were having movie/popcorn in the social room and they turn the volume up so loud that I cannot bear it. I use little foam (seems like it’s memory foam) that I twist and stick into my ears. They do a fine job of softening the noise….not eliminating it. My ears are very sensitive to noise like my eyes very sensitive to sunlight. I guess this is part of aging.

gondwanalon's avatar

I watched a couple YouTube videos that show how the loop earplugs function. But I don’t understand. How are loop earplugs better than traditional earplugs?

I’m willing to give them a try. But I wonder if loop earplugs are more of a fashion thing than a noise reduction thing.

I have very sensitive ears. I don’t leave home without earplugs. I use earplugs at movies, concerts, restaurants, celebrations, air planes, hotels and even in my own bed at night (lots of noisy coyotes and hoot awls in the woods outside).

longgone's avatar

^ They block sound more reliably (if you get the right size). But more importantly, they are just much more comfortable! With my Loops, I can sleep on my side. Other earplugs hurt or fall out. Loops stay in until morning, and they still don’t hurt even then.

@JLeslie If I were you, I’d try using the medium size for a few days. Wear them for several hours, during the night, and when you’re active. Ideally, you’ll forget about them. Then you know you can use the more efficient size. If you experience any pain though, definitely use the smaller version. Personally, what I love most about Loops is that I’m not at all aware of them. If there’s pain, they’re not being used correctly.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t use them for sleeping. I use them for zumba, movies, concerts, and at the race track. This weekend will be the first time with them at the track.

I’ve been wearing one small and one medium, but I guess I’ll switch to both medium.

@gondwanalon I’ve had the Loop a few weeks. They seems to have less distortion than cheap foam ear plugs. It’s weird, because it sounds so good I’m not sure they are working, but then I take them out and they are definitely reducing some sound. I bought the Loop Experience and the string to keep them around my neck.

For sure part of the reason I bought them was vanity. They are much less noticeable than the orange foam ones I was using. Lol. You would think people would see my orange earplugs and not try to talk to me, but nope, they will scream right in my face.

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