How do middle-aged people people prevent losing muscle mass while dieting to lose weight?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
March 28th, 2024
from iPhone
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16 Answers
I would guess by strength training – like using the weight machines at the gym or using weights at home.
I did it by running. My legs looked magnificent.
Hit the gym at least twice a week. Get the help of an expert fitness trainer. Try to work all muscle groups (arms, shoulders, legs, core and even the neck).
I’m a 73 year old man (5’11”, 148 lbs). It takes me over 2 hours to get through a workout going from machine to machine. Less than one minute between reps. I go to the gym twice a week. It’s so important to maintain muscle mass in an aging body.
One person said, “Don’t start lifting weights because you will become a slave to your body.”
Well we are all slaves to our bodies no mater what we do.
The choice is yours. Work your muscles to keep them strong or let yourself go and allow your muscles deteriorate quickly.
Good health.
I went Paleo and work out daily plus walking.
There is so much more that goes into this topic. It is not cut and dry to Weight versus Muscle Mass.
First decide the goals.
Are you looking to lose weight, get lean and toned, look more athletic, build muscle?
I would certainly recommend to see a nutritionist along with a Fitness Trainer to put a plan together to achieve your goals.
Weight or resistance training to build muscle. Also, eating sufficient protein. Look into plant based/vegan options like legumes. Romaine lettuce if you like crunchy lettuce rather than iceberg. Look up protein counts in your favorite veggies.
I moved from 2+ decades of desk jobs to physical work.
After a heart attack in 2020 I took a job at Amazon, and found my niche as a water spider, walking 15–20 miles per day moving supplies. I enjoyed the work for three years.
This year (2024) I began a hospital transport job, moving patients.I interact with people instead of boxes! “Only” 10 miles/day, but so much more satisfying!! I love my job.
From the food perspective, one can diet to lose weight without reducing their protein or B-complex intake.
E.g., replacing cheeseburgers with fish or skinless chicken breast could be one of several viable changes.
THANKS so much jellies! All GAs! ( as usual ) :)
I have been wearing arm and leg weights for most of the day for over a year. I am regularly surprised at how some seasonal tasks that used to be difficult are now much easier.
I can now move my Troy Bilt log splitter around by hand. Before, I needed to hook it to my tractor or car.
My chain saw got lighter, too.
I wore leg weights when I played volleyball. When I took them off for the actual game, man I could FLY!!!
@Dutchess_III That is how I feel.
I only walk with the leg weights. I don’t run with them. When I want to run, I take off the weights. I feel like I can fly!
Exercise and lift weights.
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