Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In your opinion what would you do if someone threatened yourself or a family member?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23623points) March 30th, 2024

And that person did it on social media, and other platforms , putting you or a family member at great risk of harm?

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40 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Document everything (lots of screenshots). Report it to the police. Maybe stay at a hotel for a bit (pay cash, fake name, stay off social media).

Caravanfan's avatar

What cookie said.

Forever_Free's avatar

Simple as was stated above.
Capture proof.
Secure Proof.
Report to Police.
Go somewhere safe.
Don’t take it lightly.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So the police talk to the person, and they scream I will say what I want it’s my right to free speech.
What then?

Zaku's avatar

Add contacting a lawyer.

And be ready for action.

cookieman's avatar

@SQUEEKY2: Someone’s right to free speech ends when they threaten people. It’s up to the police to determine if it’s a credible threat and to press charges.

@Zaku: Yes, that too.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Here is where I turn it political, then why in hell is Trump getting away with it, he is threatening the judges daughter even posting her name and address.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump will unleash his “Flying Monkeys” also known as “Proud Boy“and “Oath Keepers” to punish the Judge’s daughter and maybe the judge too.

If she gets killed, does that mean Trump will be prosecuted for conspiring to commit murder ??

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I sure hope so!!!

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t do social media so I probably wouldn’t even notice. But if it happened, I’d document and report. It would really depend on what was said. If it was just snide comments I wouldn’t care. If it was actual threats, reporting it would probably take care of most of that. Beyond that, I’d go to Defcon 3 and hold there.

As for how Trump gets away with threatening a judges daughter and posting her name and address, it’s very simple. He didn’t. He didn’t name her, didn’t post her address, and didn’t threaten her. I know you want to believe the worst but really, by this time aren’t you tired of believing the lies?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

When all the news outlets say he did, Why are we supposed to believe you?
Again yours is gospel and all the rest are lies?

smudges's avatar

^^ You didn’t read the whole article right to the bottom.

Donald Trump did not name Judge Merchan’s daughter. He did leave a post which could have, at best, led to jigsaw identification but he did not name her. Another claim in the TikTok video about Trump’s new gag order restricting him from making comments about the judge’s daughter was also incorrect.

Dutchess_III's avatar

People misunderstand the jpurpose of free speech as it’s written in the Constitution. Its purpose is to protect the the media and individuals from punishment by the government for criticisms of the government. It doesn’t mean people can say what ever they want to with no consequences.

Anyway, I’d just shoot ‘em!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

This said he did..

and there are plenty more ,his latest rant he did leave her out though, maybe he knew he pushed it a little to far.

smudges's avatar

^^ I’ll trust the fact check team at over any day!

And from your very own link comes this:

Judge Merchan issued a gag order against Trump on Tuesday that’s barred him from lashing out publicly at prosecutors, court staff, and any of their family members. That order did not include Merchan or his daughter, however, and Trump has used the duo as an outlet to direct his rage over the case.

I’m no trump fan, but I do want to hear the truth.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Let’s review: you claimed “why in hell is Trump getting away with it, he is threatening the judges daughter even posting her name and address.” Please note that you claimed he posted her name and address. Even given your last post from the Daily Beast, their claim is only that he gave her first name, not name and address. And he didn’t threaten her. He pointed out her rabid Anti-Trump past. Given that she has direct access to the judge, I think this is fair. You are eating up the slanted media stories again. You probably heard some uber-lefty say that Trump doxxed this girl and without checking you just believed it.

cookieman's avatar

(Well this thread took a turn for the stupid.) ::sigh::

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie that is rich a super Uber lefty said it and I believed it without question,is that sorta like believing the Biden bribery crime without question as well, to find out that was indeed a Russian hoax?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Trying to deflect is not going to change the fact that you were W-R-O-N-G.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Just about every news outlet said he did, why are they not being sued if they all lied?

Zounderkite's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 @seawulf575 The two articles are about different events. The Truth Social post where Trump called out Loren Merchan by name was made after the Newsweek fact check. It’s just a strange twist of fate that there was first a lie circulating that Trump had called her out by name and then he later actually did so. As far as can tell, though, he never published her address. I think that part of the rumor was inspired either by the time he shared President Obama’s address or when he linked to a post that shared Letitia James’ address.

smudges's avatar

@cookieman It was a ‘gotcha’ question, anyway. Sucker jellies in and then throw fake news at them to rile them up – and he got 4 GAs for it so it worked. Hate when that happens! :D

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@smudges as @Zounderkite points out TRump did use her name in a truth social post after the news week fact check.
so it wasn’t fake news.

Smashley's avatar

I’d just block them and report and move on.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And Wulfie you said you don’t do social media so you don’t know what your hero god king is ranting about?
THose news sources used his posts to show what he did in his own words.
Dementia-Don is his own worst enemy ,if he had simply paid the hush money from his own account the public would never have known.
If he had simply given the documents back when asked again the public would never have known,yeah ,yeah I know he declassified them so fucking what they were NOT his and he refused to give them over forcing the FBI to go get them that took a whole year,and they gave the secret service plenty of notice when they would be there despite your heros cry they raided my home,
Lets go another unemployment under your hero was around 6% and Biden under 4% .
No trade wars.
This Republican party has been the worst in history,they have passed nothing .

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t do social media. But I do follow stories to the sources. And even the article from Daily Beast that you posted doesn’t back up your claim. And they gave the actual post in Truth social that you are referencing. You were wrong. Admit it. Stop trying to deflect and change things. You were plain and simply wrong.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ok I was wrong when he posted the judges daughters name, but he did end up doing just that and YO U won’t admit that,why not?

smudges's avatar

LOL @SQUEEKY2 As I remember, you’re the one who asked: “Will civility ever return to politics?” yet you couldn’t stay civil in an argument if your life depended on it. That’s why one person responded to it with, “Pot calling the kettle black” and got 4 GAs.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You said he gave her full name AND ADDRESS. You were wrong. Period.

Zounderkite's avatar

@seawulf575 If @SQUEEKY2 said that he have her full name and address, and it turns out that he only gave her name, then he isn’t “wrong period.” He is partially correct and partially incorrect. Similarly, when you said “He didn’t name her, didn’t post her address,” you were not “wrong period.” You were partially correct and partially incorrect. But this is to be expected since you were referencing different incidents.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zounderkite Since @SQUEEKY2 didn’t give any citations initially, as usual, I did some research on my own. What I found was the Newsweek fact check that specifically said Trump didn’t name the judge’s daughter at all. As you already noted he did later name the daughter, but only her first name. We are left to guess if her last name is still the same as the judge’s. And certainly not her address. Sorry, but he is still wrong. His entire premise of the question was a gotcha question to try pinning Trump for doxxing this girl which he just plain didn’t do. He started with the wrong premise and won’t admit it. He knows he’s wrong but insists on only trying to deflect from actually saying it.

Since he is very big on calling me a “fright-winger” who just spreads misinformation and fear, he needs to grow a pair and own his own misinformation and fear mongering.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The judge just expanded the gag order to include his daughter and other court staff ,after repeated on line attacks against his daughter, if the Don Father is all innocent why would the judge feel the need to do this?

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I don’t know about a social media post threatening one of my family. A lot of people get very bold behind the keyboard and I guess I’d have to look at if it was even worth taking seriously. If somebody threatened my family in person, then I’m not sure how I would react. On the one hand, I’m not a violent person at all, but I also have very high protective instincts.

I think it’s different though in the Trump situation. He’s got a lot of crazy people following him who seem to just wait for a command from him to go crazy. So when he makes a threat on social media, it needs to be taken seriously.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I totally agree @LifeQuestioner , I mean he has a army of crazy people waiting to do his bidding.
he has his zombie Trumpies believing he has done nothing wrong,and he is just the poor victim,he blames Biden for all of it when in FACT Biden has no jurisdiction on a state crime, but his Trumpies don’t believe that.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 “if the Don Father is all innocent why would the judge feel the need to do this?” Oh my! Where to start? First off, you still haven’t admitted you were wrong about your claims. You are trying desperately to push the hate-Trump narrative but you were wrong. He gave her first name in one post. Secondly, why would the judge expand the gag order? That’s an easy one. He’s corrupt. Just like so many others in NY, he doesn’t want a fair trial, he wants a biased trial. His daughter has discussed this case with him and she is part of the crowd that are Trump’s political opponents. Why hasn’t the judge recused himself? Why hasn’t he put a gag order on his daughter? Because it is only supposed to be about getting Trump. And I’m sure he is expanding this gag order also to paint Trump as you did: someone that is doxxing his daughter. And that is just plainly a lie. What did Trump do? He pointed out something that smelled like last week’s fish involving the judge. He didn’t dox the daughter, he didn’t call for violence against her, he didn’t do anything except show her radical bias, that she works for his political opponents, and that she is filling the judge’s ears with her hatred.

Here’s a question for you: why should Trump not be able to address publicly all the aspects of this case? Or really any of the cases? Why do the judges always want to remove his right to free speech? Do they gag the lefty news outlets? No. Do they gag the DAs? No. Yet we have seen time and again where these players go on and say anything they want about Trump and that is okay.

I don’t know about how it is in Canada, but in the US the justice system is supposed to be fair and unbiased. It has become something of the exact opposite in the cases against Trump.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

First Wulfie Did say I was wrong ,second I was only stating what the news outlets said, now you are saying the judges daughter discussed the case with him, that is speculative on your part there is no proof of that, and your hero did post her name and photo,it would take very little work to find if she still had her maiden name.
You still think anyone who wants to make the Don Father accountable for his crimes is corrupt,pretty wild since his lawyers have lost every case so far, his Orangeness should fire his lawyers and hire you since you know he is so innocent.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I did say she talked with Dad about the case. I was just reporting what your own citation provided. Isn’t that all the proof you need for it to be okay? It’s gotta be true since it was reported in your citation. But here’s another report of the judge’s daughter being involved with capitalizing off this case. How many times does she have to show corruption before you are willing to consider that the judge is compromised?

In the end, yes, you did admit you were wrong, but your error was the whole basis for this troll of a question. In other words, all you wanted to do was rant about Trump. Carry on, since you will never admit your lefties could possibly do anything underhanded when it comes to Trump.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

How about you admit you were wrong about the bribery case against Biden?
Wait that’s deflecting ,something you never do like every time Jan6 is brought up you instantly deflect to the BLM riots,thats not deflecting?
To get back to my question that I did indeed highjack, if someone threatened myself or the wife on line I would do what the others have said document it,see how much the person actually knows me and if so report it to the RCMP ,if just an internet troll mainly just ignore them.

kritiper's avatar

Keep a gun handy.

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