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cookieman's avatar

Thinking of moving from Boston to Milwaukee. Any advice from folks who've lived in both places?

Asked by cookieman (41924points) September 24th, 2008 from iPhone
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13 Answers

tWrex's avatar

Well, my Uncle just moved to Boston and he loves it there. He’s lived in Chicago/Indiana area since conception so while it’s not Milwaukee it is close. However I hate Green Bay so I say no to Milwaukee! Go Bears! =) I now have to hate the Jets as well… Damn you FaVray (Favre)

SpatzieLover's avatar

Where in Milwaukee would you want to live? Downtown or ‘burbs?

I’ve never lived in or been to Boston, but hear it’s a wicked good time.

here you’d have to learn to add a ‘hey!’ in now and again

cookieman's avatar

@SpatzieLover: The job we’d be moving for is in downtown. So close enough for a short commute (I assume, like Boston, living downtown is financially prohibitive).

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Now is a great time to buy or lease a condo downtown Milwaukee. There are great neighborhoods downtown and plenty to do winter or summer. I live in one of burbs that borders Milwaukee and our goal is to move downtown within the next few years. I’ll write more later, but I’ve gotta exercise and then hit the road…

cookieman's avatar

Thanks Sueanne. Looking forward to it.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@cprevite, actually downtown is quite affordable and in most parts parking is FREE. Very unlike Chicago or as I imagine Boston to be. There are many hot spots that are still cheap!

There’s ample to do. A hugely accessible lake shore for fun and activity. Our museums are top notch (esp the Art Museum) and of course food, drink and festivals are plentiful.

jjd2006's avatar

I’ve lived in Boston and visited Milwaukee a lot because of family there. The Art Museum is FAB and the festivals in the summer are fun in Milwaukee. It’s going to be a MUCH different feel from Boston though. I’d definitely recommend visiting before you make the move/make your decision if you’ve never been. The midwest is like a whole different world (especially if you’ve always lived in Boston…).

cookieman's avatar

@jjd2006: Yeah, we’ve always lived in Boston. How is the midwest a whole different world? We will definitely visit first, but I’d like to hear your view.

jjd2006's avatar

Midwesterners are very friendly and also much more conservative. Agriculture and farming plays a huge role in the culture there. (Boston: Education, Midwest: Farming) It’s pretty a pretty religious area of the country while Boston is one of the least religious areas of the country. There is no ocean although Lake Michigan is nice. It’s a lot cheaper. I would not feel safe walking around downtown Milwaukee by myself at night, while a walk around downtown Boston generally feels very safe to me. (I’m a female.)

I don’t know. Those are just some thoughts. Of course, this is all just my own experience from visits. It’s subjective! :)

Good luck, cprevite!

SpatzieLover's avatar

I walk around Downtown at night & feel perfectly safe. Our state voted for Obama by a landslide in the primaries, though there are a lot of German Catholics, our governor is a Dem, so is Milw’s mayor. Milwaukee is mainly liberal (hmm..I think 75%) while ‘burbs vary (I live in one that’s 75% Rep).

See my Q link regarding how “outgoing” all of the Midwest is. It’d be good info for you to know if you did decide to move here, as you’ll see it’s likely you’ll be fast to make new friends.

jjd2006's avatar

Excellent points, SpatzieLover.

I guess Wisconsin, to me, just screams Middle America(United_States), but maybe it’s more of an oasis than I know. :)

cookieman's avatar

@jjd2006 & SpatzieLover: All great points. Thank you for the thoughtful insight.

Lurve to you.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@cprevite- You could get a copy of Milwaukee Magazine or just check out the web site. It’s extrememly informative in the way of food, hang outs, hot spots, and up & coming neighborhoods.

I also agree that you definately should plan a trip (maybe a long weekend) to come check it out. We’re so conveniently located near Chicago tat you could include that in you plans, too.

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