Social Question

Has anyone else been thinking about this?(Details.)
Unfortunately, The Francis Scott Key Bridge was destroyed by a large freight container ship.
The US, as I hoped/suspected, got right on this tragedy. I was awake when it happened, and I was telling a friend that there must be important people up right now, all trying to start the clock for repairing the damage.
I wager that it didn’t take an engineering specialist, to understand that one of the first things they’d need would be large cranes, and other crazy big construction machinery.
They didn’t disappoint. The largest crane in the area was likely underway just hours after the incident. First one in was formerly used by the CIA, to lift a sunken Russian submarine during the Cold War in a top secret operation.
The “Chessy” Chesapeake 1000, is capable of lifting 1,000 tons!
Other big cranes have arrived, and more will be needed for all sorts of aspects of the reparation operation.
I realize that we can probably do better, but it’s 2024.
People were using stones in ancient monolithic structures, that weighed close to 1,000 tons.
Not many, but some sources I found claim the largest stone ever moved weighed 1,650 tons!
We are going to have to bring to bare our mightiest resources, ro clean up the bridge.
All of our modern efforts, still can’t really replicate some of these structures that are hundreds, to thousands of years old.
The internet has no shortage of theories.
How in the Blue Hell, did those ancient people do that?