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MrGrimm888's avatar

Has anyone else been thinking about this?(Details.)

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) April 8th, 2024

Unfortunately, The Francis Scott Key Bridge was destroyed by a large freight container ship.

The US, as I hoped/suspected, got right on this tragedy. I was awake when it happened, and I was telling a friend that there must be important people up right now, all trying to start the clock for repairing the damage.
I wager that it didn’t take an engineering specialist, to understand that one of the first things they’d need would be large cranes, and other crazy big construction machinery.

They didn’t disappoint. The largest crane in the area was likely underway just hours after the incident. First one in was formerly used by the CIA, to lift a sunken Russian submarine during the Cold War in a top secret operation.
The “Chessy” Chesapeake 1000, is capable of lifting 1,000 tons!

Other big cranes have arrived, and more will be needed for all sorts of aspects of the reparation operation.

I realize that we can probably do better, but it’s 2024.

People were using stones in ancient monolithic structures, that weighed close to 1,000 tons.
Not many, but some sources I found claim the largest stone ever moved weighed 1,650 tons!

We are going to have to bring to bare our mightiest resources, ro clean up the bridge.

All of our modern efforts, still can’t really replicate some of these structures that are hundreds, to thousands of years old.
The internet has no shortage of theories.
How in the Blue Hell, did those ancient people do that?

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10 Answers

Strauss's avatar

An assumption made by many (most) when it comes to ancient technology is that it can never be as advanced or as sophisticated as current technology. I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. The precision of the placement of those huge stones indicates (at least to me) that there was some technology (of which we are not aware) used to move that material.

ragingloli's avatar

Pure man power.

gondwanalon's avatar

They used their most powerful tool. Their brain.

MrGrimm888's avatar

They chose colossal pieces to build with. I would think that their choices in giant materials would indicate that moving them was not only plausible, but perhaps somehow easier than smaller pieces.
Or was the idea to make the structure appear impossible? A display of power, and technology.

@Strauss I 100% agree. There just have to be some very simple ways they did these things.
Going by some of the oldest objects, not much but hammers and stone chisels were available.

There is “evidence,” that drills, and saws, were used in some places.
In others, there is “evidence,” that they likely were somehow capable of pouring molten metal directly “on sight.”

Since so many different civilizations have such constructions, you think that we would be able to have the same revelation.

I’ve seen some really clever concepts tried, usually by college students, to move large things.

Most experts agree that although there is at least one example of wall art showing people moving blocks with logs, there are many blocks that would simply flatten wood.

I have seen kites using pulley systems. Oh, and using dirt to elevate things, then take the dirt away when their done is plausible to a degree.
But we’re missing something that will make us be like “duh,” when/if we ever figure it out.

Strauss's avatar

One of the possibilities I’ve heard considered is sound. Is it possible that the ancient Egyptians used some sort of sonic tech to move the large stones, and that this tech was available to Joshua, some 1200 years later? Pure conjecture, but interesting.

Zaku's avatar

There are twisting and rolling techniques.

You can find some interesting videos online of people managing to move enormous stones with a surprisingly small group of people, doing clever things and learning techniques to move huge stones. And those are just a few people spending not all that much time on the problem.

seawulf575's avatar

Ask Edward Leedskalnin who built the Coral Castle in FL all by himself. Some of those blocks of coral were too big for a single person to move, yet no one ever admitted to helping him. And some of the blocks weigh tons and yet will move in the breeze.

Smashley's avatar

Quien sabe? I wish I did.

A couple of points of consideration – a crane needs to lift and hold the entire weight of a block. Pushing or pulling only requires you to overcome the friction imparted by object onto the ground. While some amount of massive levering and possibly pulleying took place, I expect that the best way to pull off the block transportation was by finding some way to reduce friction. Perhaps a clever mixture of clays and oils was conceived, or there was some use of water, or enough trees really could act as wheels without breaking.

@Strauss – though a resonance disaster could be a plausible origin for the Jericho story, it’s really more likely a pure literary invention. In reality, sound imparts very little energy onto things. Moving giant blocks with sound would require a vastly, hugely bighuge amount of energy. Like, why am I moving blocks around and not rerouting the rivers across the mountaintops to spell my name and blasting my sarcophagus to the moon, levels of energy.

RocketGuy's avatar

There’s at least one hieroglyph that shows a guy pouring liquid onto the ground ahead of the moving stone. Either water or oil would greatly reduce the friction. And it showed almost a dozen ropes with dozens of workers pulling on each rope.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Strauss I have followed the “sound” technology.
We can levitate a ping pong ball, I think. To me, that’s proof of concept. But that would REALLY be even crazier than some type of pulleys.

@Smashley That’s most of the work, in most cases I think. The “dragging” of the materials.
However. We have evidence of some quarrying of massive stones. I believe that one of the biggest stones I was reading about was over 1,500 tons. It appears to have cracked, when being moved, and then it’s hypothesized that it was abandoned due to the danger involved in moving the broken piece.

History says that the wheel wasn’t even invented. As I mentioned, experts say that many of these stones would have simply crushed wooden rollers.

Wulf. Yes. Corral Castle IS, I suppose the closest “modern” equivalent. I’ve heard a lot about it. I guess the builder took the secrets to his grave. Shame.

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