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Strauss's avatar

Did you ever eat rice as a hot cereal?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) April 9th, 2024

As I was making rice pudding from some leftover rice. It got me to remember many years ago, when Mama Strauss would cook up a pot of rice in the morning and my sibs and I would add milk and sugar then some additional toppings, such as raisins, cinnamon, butter, and eat rice he rice as you would oatmeal or farina.

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10 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I ate it under similar circumstances, when we were out of oatmeal.

The funny family story: when we lived in New Brunswick. Canada, my sister would not eat hot oatmeal. We then moved to Panama, and my sister had hot oatmeal for breakfast every day.

Jeruba's avatar

Yes. My mother, who was born in D.C. and grew up in Baltimore, used to cook rice for breakfast every Sunday morning. It was part of the Sunday ritual. We ate it from a bowl, with milk and sugar. There were the white-sugar folks and the brown-sugar folks. I was solidly brown sugar.

Decades later, I decided to try that once again. I’d been cooking rice for dinner ever since I’d been on my own, but never as a cereal. So I made it just like my mother’s, poured on milk and brown sugar, and took a bite, expecting to taste Sunday morning back home.

It was disgusting.

zenvelo's avatar

The Mouse That Roared was better in book form than the movie. And I loved M*A*S*H as a book.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@zenvelo That rice scene in Mouse was hilarious. M*A*S*H was more a potato thing.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I have never had rice with milk and sugar, but I often scramble leftover rice with eggs for breakfast. This morning I ate fried refried beans ( so triple-fried?), scrambled eggs and rice.

smudges's avatar

After my father quit smoking, he had to have something sweet after a meal instead of the cig. Sometimes it was just a couple of cookies, or he’d slice a banana into a glass of milk and sprinkle it with sugar. When Mom had nothing else to offer, she’d used the leftover rice from the meal and serve it with sugar, cinnamon and milk. mmmm

Depression era moms were so inventive! Bless them.

filmfann's avatar

Yes, and I love it!
When (not yet) my wife spent the weekend with me, I made some for her. She looked at it, mystified. She took a bite and after a moment began crying hard. Turns out her grandmother used to make it for her when she was small. She had since forgotten what it was, and saw this as a sign that we were destined to be together.

JLeslie's avatar


My husband loves rice pudding, and when his mom makes it the rice is more intact than how most people make it from what I have obsetved She uses milk and condensed milk I think.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My Mom didn’t care for rice nor oatmeal, so I NEVER had either for breakfast. My Mom also didn’t believe in adding sugar to a perfectly good meal. My dad loved rice & gravy so she occasionally made that for dinner or supper. When she did, she also made mashed potatoes so she’d have something that she liked to eat. I don’t remember her ever making rice pudding & now adding sugar to rice sound gross to me. I don’t think even with friends that it was ever served at any meal where I was included.

I grew up in a time where we only ate what we had grown in our own garden & rice wasn’t grown in our garden. It wasn’t until grocery stores became a “thing” that rice became to be considered a staple.

SnipSnip's avatar

Nope. My mother did make what they called rice pudding. I love rice but I did not like that.

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