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elbanditoroso's avatar

Now that OJ Simpson is gone, will we ever know the real truth about the murders he ostensibly committed?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33730points) April 11th, 2024

OJ Simpson – found criminally not guilty. But I always thought he did the murders.

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30 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

We know the truth. The question that remains in my mind is he just a monster or did CTE play a role? Hopefully, they’ll do an autopsy.

Demosthenes's avatar

OJ Simpson is an interesting case, culturally and historically.

The trial became all about race, even though race never had anything to do with it. But on the heels of the Rodney King riots, many people believed that OJ Simpson was being unfairly targeted because of his race. The revelation that a racist cop was involved all but guaranteed that there would be acquittal; by then, the trial had become a referendum on racist policing, although a worse poster boy couldn’t have been chosen. It’s said that reactions to the verdict were split pretty evenly along racial lines: many black Americans celebrated; most white Americans booed. Now most of us recognize the verdict was a mistake, but it came at a time when it was destined to be about more than whether a man had killed his wife in a jealous rage.

Forever_Free's avatar

We already know he did it. Proof again that the rich can find lawyers to slant the truth to acquittal.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I think we know the truth!!! I began that journey swearing that there was NO way he did it. Then EVERY time he opened his mouth, he changed my mind. By the time he finally shut it, he had convinced me of his guilt!!! His arrogance made it impossible to not brag about what he had done to show her the errors of her ways. His book was his way of laughing at her & proving that he was important & she was a nobody without him & he COULD get away with murder!!!

smudges's avatar

We know the real truth.

Smashley's avatar

How would his being alive change anything? Is the physical evidence any different? Would you believe what he told you?

zenvelo's avatar

The worst result of the OJ Simpson saga is that we got stuck with the Kardashians.

filmfann's avatar

OJ always said he would find the real killers. He has probably gone to the depths of Hell to find them.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@filmfann doesn’t connect

flutherother's avatar

He’s in a quantum superposition of guilty and innocent, neither one nor the other.

chyna's avatar

It wouldn’t surprise me if he left a note behind admitting his guilt just for the last “gotcha”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh @filmfann! That took me places.
As everyone said, we know.

MrGrimm888's avatar

We just know what is most likely the truth, from what I imagine we all have heard over the years.

I am tempted to compartmentalize the things he did.
For instance, I love Michael Jackson’s music. And yet, he was a homosexual pedophile.
My favorite homosexual pedophile, I suppose.

OJ, is indeed an interesting story. I was aware of his sports career, but was just getting to know him on movies like “Naked Gun” where he was affable and then the murders happened.
It’s important to remember that a man died violently, because he was bringing a woman her grasses.

Jealousy. To me, is one of those things that can destroy someone. I believe that was the determining factor in all of this.
A man, obsessed with a female (in this case a former lover,) and perhaps going more by his animal instincts of “hunting” her.

His behavior following the murders, and subsequent trial, was not exactly that if a mentally stable/law abiding citizen.

I always thought that he should have disappeared, once he was acquitted. He should have seen the bullets he dodged, and started a new life somewhere else. He had children, and a good reputation, before the murders. I guess, he felt that as the courts had found him innocent, society should have let him back in to where he was.
It wouldn’t be fair to say that no one famous ever got away with crime(s) to go on and have a great career.
Like I always say, in real life the bad guys can win.

He had a wild ride.

I was a little surprised when I saw that he passed today.

Good points about CTE. OJ was a running back, in a time when the game involved some pretty brutal running.
Most recently I watched wide receiver Antonio Brown go nuts.
He left Pittsburgh my Raiders, then he started having weird problems.
He played for a few teams, and he eventually took his uniform off in the middle of a game and walked out.
He later had multiple run-ins with the law. He sounds crazy.
Another Raider, Linebacker Chandler Jones, had a similarly spectacular meltdown.

At any rate, the “Juice,” is now truly loose. I hope he journeys well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why do we assume all men just live to stick their dick in something?

SnipSnip's avatar

I’m glad to say that I don’t really care. The prisons are full of innocent people and many guilty walk among us. This case is not special, but made great TV for those who would spend their time on it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My first reaction was also “No way!” Because he did come off as so affable. As so many women have found out

Forever_Free's avatar

I hope he gets an escort to the gates of &^$ in his Bronco followed by the entire LA Police force.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m tempted to align with everyone else, in the opinion that I “know what really happened.”
The court of public opinion, was replaced by a “court of law,” in modern civilization, in large part because public opinion is not privy to the entirety of evidence.
Some evidence is deemed inadmissible, so even the jury doesn’t hear everything.

I make this point about courts of law, because to a degree a jury can be as “human” as the public view. In this instance, for example, I recall listening to one of the female jurors who for seemingly just publicity talked about the trial, and to me she seemed enamored with OJ.

I don’t have any crazy theories about how he was acquitted.
The US criminal justice system, has always been severely flawed.

I believe that it sits in many older black people’s minds, that a lot of black people have ended up in prison because of white jurors. I’m not black, but I am aware of some of the statistics.

I have NO idea, how they keep finding “impartial people,” in the “information age,” for juries.
I’m afraid that I don’t trust 12 random American citizens, to make the correct decisions.

I have certainly been aware of many judges who clearly aren’t just not impartial, they have religious, and cultural differences, that clearly bleed into their sentencing.

With the justice system in it’s current state, I expect bad results. Guilty people walking, innocent (and coincidentally often poor) people robbed of their life.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The part that I can say “well I know what really happened” is, a person with money got away with a horrific crime. Almost solely because of their financial abilities to fight the system.
Because of the system.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@MrGrimm888 No, that’s not why. It was about celebrity status and at the time race. The LA riots were just a year or so earlier so this came on the heels of that. Tensions were high and there was a lot of political pressure on this trial. I remember that people were sharply divided on this and the reporting was not so cut and dry as it was after the fact. Media coverage at the time did their thing and they essentially confused most people. I was one of them. Hindsight is 20–20 but if I recall, there was a sharp racial divide concerning opinions on his guilt. The media made it look like a cultural icon was being taken down and people did not want any flames near the tinderbox. That’s ultimately why OJ walked. It may have been the Chewbacca defense

smudges's avatar

^^ absolutely!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Blackwater_Park That’s a bold, but I think fair statement. As far as race being part if it.
In fact, it may have been the ultimate example of “playing the race card.”
I recall the time as well. There was a palpable tension, when the verdict was being read.
I was actually in high-school, in a mostly black classroom.
We were just kids. That’s how I always put it in my mind. Of course some students were making idiots of themselves from every angle. Because our adults sucked.
But I find it difficult to believe that anyone involved with the case wasn’t concerned that a guilty verdict could start new civil unrest.
Again, this points to part of the problem with the “justice” system.
The juror I was referring to talking about the trial afterwards was a black woman. As I stated before, without bringing up race, I felt she was “enamored,” with him.

Certainly the media played a role, but regardless of why in my high-school and in most circles OJ WAS a “cultural icon.”
We’re still discussing him, because of his fame/infamy.

It wasn’t just that OJ was a black man, who succeeded in life because of his athletic abilities. He eventually transcended football, and was (to many) “one of the black people accepted by white society.” To be blunt…

The ironies were plentiful, and the case even exposed the efficacy or should I say, the precision/lack there of of the criminal justice system.

We learned together, as a national audience, about the evidence, and those who collected it, the investigators, etc.

I hate to bring this up, but Trump is using almost the same, not strategy, but way of playing victim to circumstances and corrupt investigatory processes by people with a motive to see him go down.
Detective Mark Fuhrman, going by the worst I’ve heard but can’t corroborate, shouldn’t have even been a law enforcement officer.
I JUST rewatched him pleading the 5th, to questioning regarding him ever falsifying or manufacturing evidence. He went 5th on SO many important questions.

Lawyers are not unlike scavengers, in that they are opportunists.
This Detective was NOT such a great anomalous figure in the police department.
The King/LA riots didn’t happen over just Rodney. Police in most metropolitan areas had grown a well deserved reputation for racism, and corruption.
Cops used to beat confessions out if black men, and worse.
It has gotten some better, but mainly due to exposure, not a racially woke, self-improved justice system.
Cameras add transparency, or can conversely alter public opinion, depending upon a great many variables. But the public exposure of the trial, was a huge mistake.
OJ’s defense team, took full advantage of every opportunity to keep an already police-exhausted public.

I mentioned his fame, as well.
But another thing we also “know,” is that his lawyers cost him $4 million. And obviously anyone connected to the trial would forever profit from it’s fame. OJ didn’t have that money. He got a loan, from a bank, and put his house as collateral.
Unfortunately. Most people, black or white, or any type, don’t have the ability to come up with $4 MILLION.

Nicole’s family “won” $33 million. Anyone want to guess how much money he paid them?

He lived for decades, owing millions, and in/out of legal troubles. THAT, I will give you, for his fame.

Otherwise. The trial was screwed up, before it ever began. Someone like Fuhrman is an obscene liability for whichever county he worked for.

It’s impossible to know if everyone collectively “let him go.”

That is how our justice system works. I’m not going to lie, if he was involved with me going to prison, I’d want his history public.
But. The entire proceedings, were sensible enough, for our easily manipulated justice system. With money, or the potential for fame which is as good as money to some, or any number of external factors, could let a guilty person walk, and at times ruin the lives of the “innocent.”

Kudos for “going there.” It was a tempestuous time. I learned a LOT, about this country. In MANY ways, in that keyhole of my existence.

Demosthenes's avatar

In a documentary about the trial, one juror, a black woman, flatly admitted the verdict was payback for the Rodney King verdict. “Now you know how it feels”, she said (referring to the acquittal of the cops who beat Rodney King). To be fair, another juror, also a black woman, disputed that and said that is not why she voted to acquit. In either case, the trial was very much about something other than OJ’s guilt, and a glove wasn’t the reason he walked.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s the system. It only takes 1 of 12, to derail “justice.”
Or a judge, lawyer, detective, or court filer, or any number of weaknesses that can be feasibly attacked by a proper/expensive legal team.
This is the result.
Don’t be surprised when Trump gets a similar outcome with some of his biggest legal woes.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Kato Kaelin was anwering Qs on a podcast & he says he can’t prove it, but he’s positive that OJ did it!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I totally forgot him!
What a crazy time it was.

Zounderkite's avatar

I’m just glad that OJ can finally rest in peace knowing that his (ex-)wife’s killer is dead.

MrGrimm888's avatar

“IF I Did It : Confessions of the Killer.” – by OJ Simpson.

For those who think he did it.
I thought it was an interesting strategy, by OJ. Again. He should have disappeared.

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