General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What do different religions say when the soul enters the body?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) April 11th, 2024

Just wondering.

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14 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I read something that said Jews believe it’s at birth.

filmfann's avatar

I think Catholics say at 40 days. It is referred to as a quickening.

Caravanfan's avatar

@hawaii Jake. Incorrect. The soul enters the body when the body has graduated from medical school. (Old

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I read something that said Jews believe it’s at birth.

At first breath. That is the basis of the lawsuit in Indiana.

Lawsuit challenging Indiana abortion ban survives a state challenge

“Indiana’s near total abortion ban went into effect in August after the Indiana Supreme Court upheld it, ending a separate legal challenge.

“The religious challenge against the ban was brought by four residents and the group Hoosier Jews for Choice in September 2022, saying it violates a state religious-freedom law Republican lawmakers approved in 2015. A county judge sided with the residents — who are represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana — last December. Indiana later appealed the decision.”

seawulf575's avatar

As far as I can find, only the Talmud and the Quran actually give any guidance at all as to when a soul is attached to the body. The Talmud has been interpreted as both being at conception at 40 days afterward. The 40 day belief probably came from the Greeks as Aristotle held the belief that a soul attached to a male at 40 days after conception and 90 days after for women. Most religious beliefs about when a soul is attached come from leaders that held one opinion or another.

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