@Smashley I doubt anyone could speak so eloquently as you, about this topic. I think you made some excellent points.
I remember a sketch, I think SNL, where women created a “perfect” man. There were several females in the skit, contributing to their ideal physical specimen. Some preferred men have NO balls.
If we were to go by animal instincts, in regards to physical attraction, a larger/fatter male is the preferred mate. The idea being that the female gets a chance (subconsciously) to add size/strength to their genes, with the notion of this being “good for the species.”
As a large man, I looked into supermarket donation once (long story,) and was surprised to find that my height, weight, athleticism, was part of the process of being a donor.
According to the people dealing with such things, they claimed that when people look for donors, because they either are a female without a mate, or a couple with a male who is infertile, they prefer large, athletic men. The idea is that the offspring will have likely a better overall health, and possibly get athletic scholarships. I am just going by the word of people I spoke to about the process.
I ultimately decided, I did not want a stranger to be able to use my genetics.
But. They tried to talk me out if it, and I would have potentially made some easy money.
The costs people pay, for the cryogenic jizz, is incredibly expensive. Yes, it’s ironic.
If, there is attraction to a man, by a female, it likely has little to do with testicle size.
I have no idea, if homosexual men care.
I deeply wish, there was more awareness about balls.
Balls have been oppressed, for far too long. I demand special man-spreading seats, on all forms of public transportation.