General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can you answer my birds and the bees question? (NSFW, Details inside)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) April 13th, 2024

Why are men’s genitals mostly outside and women’s inside?

It seems like a design flaw for men. As they can get damaged so easily?

Also why do men’s semen need to be temperature controlled, in a retractable scrotum, and a women’s eggs on the inside of the overries not?

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17 Answers

snowberry's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 It’s not just people, it’s the case with all mammals that I can think of. So maybe that’s a clue.

I have heard that men with low sperm count should avoid hot showers and hot tubs if they are trying to conceive.

smudges's avatar

For your first question, who knows? As to women’s eggs, they are temperature controlled…they’re in the body.

seawulf575's avatar

Well, the sperm has to be temperature controlled to keep them alive and active. Ova inside the woman are automatically kept at body temperature However it should be noted that loose fitting underwear has been found to result in more sperm production for men. This underwear (or going commando presumably) doesn’t hold the testicles too close to the body…keeps them a bit cooler. Optimum growing temperature!

As to why men’s genitals are outside and the women’s are inside? Um…to allow men to fertilize the ovum? Women are not fish that drop a bunch of eggs all at once onto the ground with the men coming along afterward to drop a bunch of sperm into the area. Gotta get the sperm to the egg and so the male penis is designed to allow penetration in closer to the egg.

SnipSnip's avatar

It’s a perfect design; just ask a plumber.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The problem is that the sperm need to evolve to live in warmer conditions, and we need a little ribcage for or berries.
Or they should at least be retractable. Evolution, where you at?

Smashley's avatar

Since mammals just breed like that, I’m guess it was the just the system that evolution stumbled on. Ovaries are designed for body temp because that’s where they need to be; penises are outside of the body because that seems to work best, and testicles can be bigger outside of the body, which is probably some kind of advantage, so sperm are suited to cooler conditions.

The reason male junk is so unprotected is likely because it doesn’t have to be. Humans are smart and protect themselves well, allowing them to focus on building societies via the genital arts. How will you intimidate other males or attract a top female if they can’t see your bulge?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Poppy cock!~
Rats can retract their balls…

When I was bouncing, I did a LOT of hip swiveling to avoid direct hits in the groin. But once in a while, someone would sneak one on me.
In general, it’s absolutely ridiculous that something that potentially painful is also unprotected.

The closest thing I could ever try to compare testicular fragility to, was the eye(s.) Those are protected better.
It’s not as debilitating, to me, as in the movies. It usually just pissed me off. But it was a long painful night, and EVERY TIME, I always thought about the so called “intelligent design,” and how ridiculous that was.
If a man had any control over how are genitals were designed, they’d be probably too big to be realistic, and our boys would definitely either be retractable, or armored.

@Smashley American women care more about a man’s wallet bulge.

Smashley's avatar

@MrGrimm888 – we seem to have done most of our physical evolving before we came up with currency. Mate value was attributed in many ways, I’m sure – I’m only speculating that chicks like big balls.

At any rate, humans have lots of physical vulnerabilities that haven’t stopped us from being the winners (losers?) of evolution. Our evolution favors intelligence, endurance and sociability, with a trimmed down package of useful muscles, favoring diverse skills. We’ve always been smarter than we were strong, more sociable than fecund, more adaptive than specialized, which seems to have been an effective combo. I’d love to hear an evolutionarily biologist tell it, but I think our balls are where they are despite the risks, which we have overcome. The balls persist because there is some benefit.
Maybe the temperature or the temperature controlling system that is the scrotum really is mathematically ideal for sperm production, maybe the ejaculatory pressure is optimized by putting the storage vessels directly below the launching stage. Personally I’m leaning towards chicks just digging big balls.

smudges's avatar

@Smashley I’m sure – I’m only speculating that chicks like big balls.

I’m only speculating that most ‘chicks’ don’t even think about balls, let alone ‘dig’ them!

Smashley's avatar

@smudges – so you say! I have my doubts.

snowberry's avatar

“Chick” here.

Balls (the human type) have always been the last item of interest on any of my lists. SMH

Smashley's avatar

^ so what, the scrote-coat is some kind of urban legend now?

smudges's avatar

^^ wth is a scrote-coat??

MrGrimm888's avatar

South Park.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Smashley I doubt anyone could speak so eloquently as you, about this topic. I think you made some excellent points.

I remember a sketch, I think SNL, where women created a “perfect” man. There were several females in the skit, contributing to their ideal physical specimen. Some preferred men have NO balls.

If we were to go by animal instincts, in regards to physical attraction, a larger/fatter male is the preferred mate. The idea being that the female gets a chance (subconsciously) to add size/strength to their genes, with the notion of this being “good for the species.”
As a large man, I looked into supermarket donation once (long story,) and was surprised to find that my height, weight, athleticism, was part of the process of being a donor.
According to the people dealing with such things, they claimed that when people look for donors, because they either are a female without a mate, or a couple with a male who is infertile, they prefer large, athletic men. The idea is that the offspring will have likely a better overall health, and possibly get athletic scholarships. I am just going by the word of people I spoke to about the process.
I ultimately decided, I did not want a stranger to be able to use my genetics.
But. They tried to talk me out if it, and I would have potentially made some easy money.
The costs people pay, for the cryogenic jizz, is incredibly expensive. Yes, it’s ironic.

If, there is attraction to a man, by a female, it likely has little to do with testicle size.
I have no idea, if homosexual men care.

I deeply wish, there was more awareness about balls.
Balls have been oppressed, for far too long. I demand special man-spreading seats, on all forms of public transportation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In my experience bigger balls seem responsible for heightened masculinity, NOT a big penis.
As others have said, I have not the least bit of interest in either one. But boy the men do!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^The bigger the berries, the smaller the twig looks.

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