General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

I need to know what good anime I can watch which can be viewed openly.

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) April 17th, 2024

What I mean with this question are two things:

1) Censorship. I don’t mean on tv, but that on some level, dvd, bluray etc. the censorship is removed.
2) Trigger warnings: the NSFW, blood, alcohol, drugs, to name a few.

Ironically, action/thriller american movies are absolutely wonderful. Does this mean I like more live-action than anime? Absolutely not. Anime ARE beautiful.

It’s just I recognize immediately when anime are not watchable (not bad, just unwatchable). So, that’s that.

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2 Answers

Koxufoxu's avatar

try Sonic X

Pandora's avatar

I would imagine One Piece is okay.

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