^There are more temptations, that can negatively affect our bodies, than any time in history.
Processed sugar, fried food, drugs, sexual behavior, etc. the ability to learn and obtain thongs from allover the world.
We also enjoy a lot of free time, our ancestors didn’t have. As we don’t have to spend every minute acquiring food, or making fire, or purifying water, and a zillion other things that we can have with ease.
Free time, means an idle mind, for some.
I have always felt that taking care of your body, is a lifelong thing. I know I ask a lot of my body, and I need it to be capable of doing whatever.
I look at sweets, and now things like alcohol, as something for younger people. Not that I’m really old, at 43, but I’m too old to eat twinkies, doughnuts and cake.
I can’t imagine how poor my health would be, if I ate the things I see in our society with any type of frequency.
I would be embarrassed, if I wasn’t as fit, as I reasonably can be. That means weights, cardio, and low fat/carb, high protein, thoughtful diet, and self discipline.
I don’t take naps, Dutch.
I take strategic pauses.