Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What specifically makes you feel good about being you today?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) April 23rd, 2024 from iPhone

As asked.

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26 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I celebrated 38 years of sobriety yesterday. I slept great last night with no overhanging concerns. I am retiring in 10 days.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Wow. Love it!

Forever_Free's avatar

Sitting in my house in Maine watching the tide come in.
Reflecting that I am in great physical and emotional health.
Immediate family also is same state.
Life is good.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^So nice! Been wanting to visit Maine for the first time. This might be the year.

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ Coastal is all wonderful. Hikes in Baxter are great. I do suggest getting to Mid Coast (Penobscot Bay area) and to Acadia National Park if you can.
I am in Deer Isle. Stop my for some Lobster.

jca2's avatar

We have family in the Boothbay region. Last time we were there, they did the lobsters under seaweek and a tarp. It was incredible. It’s such a beautiful area. I feel like they’re hearty folk, although when I was little, they were “the poor relatives in Maine,” even though they’re far from poor.

gondwanalon's avatar

Glad that my heart is beating normally.

I’ve been in a battle with atrial fibrillation (plus other arrhythmias) since 2001. Started out taking powerful anti arrhythmia drugs and beta blockers for 6 years. The drugs worked well at first but stopped being effective more and more until they stopped working and as such did more harm than good.

Then I had a heart catheter ablation in 2009 (worked great for 2½ years).
Then I had a mini-maze ablation in 2013 (worked great for 6 years).
Then I had another heart catheter ablation in 2020 (worked great for 3½ years).
Then I had another heart catheter ablation in 2023 (still working).

Millions of people live with permanent atrial fibrillation. Some people don’t even know that their heart is in atrial fibrillation. That’s unbelievable to me. I feel sick and miserable when my heart is in atrial fibrillation.

Life is good when your heart is beating normally.

Good health to you all!

gorillapaws's avatar

My sister is under contract on a house in Philadelphia so that means my family is moving a lot closer to me from the West Coast. I’m excited to play a bigger role in my Nieces’ lives and to see my sister more often.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I feel really good and healthy, just trying to kick nicotine so I can run. I know I can do it with discipline so send me good vibes.

janbb's avatar

Good visits with my family for Passover – especially with cousins and nieces and nephews.

zenvelo's avatar

@KNOWITALL Vibes sent! You can do it! I did it36 years ago, dropped a two pack a day Marlboro addiction.

the first three days are the worst. You’ll feel better after ten days. You may periodically get cravings but the cravings will go away. The worst times are at three days, three weeks, and three months.

The toughest part is the nicotine leaving your long muscles and causing cramping, like your legs and arms. Remember your intestine is a long muscle. But once you get through that, you never have to go through it again!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Today, I feel good, because I’m also going to throw my support behind @KNOWITALL .
That’s one of the things I gave up too.
What one can do, another can do.

canidmajor's avatar

After 8 months of the crap that goes with Long Covid, I think I am turning a corner. I just did an hour’s worth of physical yard work (weed whacking, mowing with a human powered reel mower) and, although pretty wiped out, I am not completely trashed.
Damn, the air smells good today!

@KNOWITALL 13 years ago I read (fluther recommendation!) The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr and…stopped smoking after 40 years.

I highly recommend it.

jca2's avatar

For me, I have been going through my stuff, which is a constant, but lately something clicked and I am just determined to get rid of a lot of it. I have a local senior center i can donate it to, and they have a tag sale in the autumn so I have the goal of helping them with the tag sale by donating stuff. I bought earring cards from Amazon and I am going to go through my jewelry and try to get rid of half of it. I have so much jewelry, and I don’t wear it that often any more. I have a lot of certain things, like gift bags, and I’m going through all of it and donating it.

I remember when I was working and people would retire, and they’d come back to the job to visit, I would ask them “what are you doing now that you’re retired?” and they’d all say “I’m going through my closets and getting rid of things.” I’ve been retired for almost three years and have been going through things but lately I am determined to get rid of more.

@zenvelo I love being retired and I think you will too. It’s so nice having time to do stuff you want to do, instead of stuff you have to do (work) and trying to cram in everything else on the weekends, in addition to car maintenance, hair appointments, food shopping, etc.

JLeslie's avatar

Not sure I would word it feeling good about being me today, but I’m happy that I planned an overnight in Orlando and I wasn’t sure if it would work out or be worth going. I was debating several hotel options. My husband was a little reluctant about going in the first place and he hates planning “vacations” so I had the burden of all of the decisions.

We had a free night credit about to expire, and I hate to let it go to waste. The hotel I chose has about $80’s in parking and resort fees that I still have to pay. Those fees are so ridiculously high in my opinion it made me really reluctant. I decided to do it, and I put in for a free suite upgrade.

We received a suite on the 15th floor with a double balcony! The room has a living room as big as mine at home, a 6 person table, perfect since my husband had to work, separate bedroom and a view of the pool area and a view of Disney in the distance. My husband said it was the best room he ever had. That made me so happy.

We had lunch pool side and then drifted on the lazy river for 45 minutes. Tonight from our balcony we watched the pool laser show and the fireworks over EPCOT and Magic Kingdom.

Tomorrow we might try the water slides around lunch time and then go to Animal Kingdom early evening after his work day is done. I heard the dinosaur area is going to be closed down and reimagined and I’ve never been on the dinosaur ride so I want to ride it before it disappears.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie Is it DinoLand that’s closing? To me, that was one of the best parts of AK.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have become my boss’s granddaughter’s best friend. She is the daughter of one of my coworkers who often comes to the workplace because my coworker can’t leave her at home. Since February she has discovered that I can play with her nicely and I can cater for her need to draw. I became useful for my boss because she needs someone to distract her while she feeds her. Soon I am frequently summoned to help my boss and provide entertainment for the girl. The girl has now abandoned a boy who used to play with her and focused fully on me.

I complained about her some time ago on Fluther, and now I want to take back my words. I have seen her in a new light since while making myself a little more useful.

Jeruba's avatar

@KNOWITALL, here’s how I did it, once I made up my mind for good.

• I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing. No one looking over my shoulder or checking on me.
• I planned it to happen when I finished the carton I was on, so there wouldn’t be any tempting leftovers.
• I laid in a supply of munchies, pretzels in particular—sticks, of course. (My friend said “It’s easier to lose weight than cancer.”)
• I journaled my last pack, almost ceremonially, each cigarette, my thoughts, my resolve.
When I was down to about eight, my babysitter bummed a cigarette, and I couldn’t refuse, but damn.
• I finally put out my last cigarette. Removed the ashtray from my desk, hid my cigarette case.
• I journaled the next three days, my temptations as normal cigarette triggers came around, as the cravings grew and I got crabby, etc. This was my fortification against ever wanting to go through that again.

My last carton cost me about $10. That was a while ago. I never went back, although there are still days when I’d pay $50 if I could have just one and not need another.

Ok, make that two.

Good luck to you.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 That’s what I heard, all of Dinoland is closing. I think it’s not officially announced, but that’s the rumor. Going to be revamped for Encanto I think.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie Awww, I love Dinoland. I think a lot of people miss it because it’s on the way out and probably people are tired at that point, and if you don’t look for it, you won’t see it. They had some really good rides in there, and fun stuff, all with a hint of nostalgia. There are not many amusement park rides in AK, and it’s ironic that there were a few in Dinoland. Plus when we went, at the end of the day (because we were literally walking out the gate), there were almost no people on the rides – you could walk on and walk right back on again.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I’m actually hoping it’s almost empty later today, because I noticed the park closes at 6:00 today (early) and we won’t get there until 3:45–4:00.

Brian1946's avatar


“The girl has now abandoned a boy who used to play with her and focused fully on me.”

I feel sad for the boy. :( Any chance that he could play with you too?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 the boy is the son of a woman who seems to have a relationship with my boss and visits her often. I did watch him and the girl play together and it seems to me that the boy is more about one-upping her. She is very competitive so I think she is better with someone like me who isn’t interested in competing with her.

SnipSnip's avatar

Knowing that I am not the client. Stupidity is astounding.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Spring life is, well springing forth, after the Wisconsin winter. I hung my finch feeder yesterday, and today a pair of goldfinches are enjoying the food. I’ve had suet out for a week, hoping for woodpeckers, but have not seen them yet.

Dogwood trees are flowering and the other trees have little green buds.

Daffodils, tulips and crocuses emerged in the past few weeks.

A couple of friends were in a comedy stand-up show last night, it was their graduation from a beginner class at Second City. Well done! The whole class would have been middle of the pack quality at some of the professional shows I’ve seen around Chicago.

Tomorrow I leave for a 3-day trip deep into the north woods to open my friend’s cabin for the warm months. We will work hard, clearing fallen trees from the trails, making repairs, draining the water where it floods the road. At night we will feast, then sleep, then repeat.

This is the most action-packed off-week since I started a new job two months ago, with a schedule of 7 days on/7 days off.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Sure sounds exciting!

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