Social Question

janbb's avatar

Have you ever said “Hey Siri” and gotten “huh” from her in response?

Asked by janbb (63367points) April 24th, 2024

I just did. Humor welcome.

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10 Answers

chyna's avatar

No, because apparently she hates me. She never, ever answers me. Yes, I set it all up. Ok, so maybe she took offense when I called her a dumb b*tch when she didn’t find a Chik Fila one time when I was out of state. She hasn’t answered me since then. So sensitive!

janbb's avatar

After I asked my question about a Scottish writer, she said she can’t translate Scottish and went off in a huff!

jonsblond's avatar

Ask her to fart if you like potty humor. She has every variation you could think of. (Please remember that my immediate family consists of all men.)

MrGrimm888's avatar

I was just looking in the manual, and apparently when she says that you’re supposed to “smack a bitch.”

Strauss's avatar

I was over at my next door neighbor’s once and said “Hey, Google” into my phone. Google answered my inquiry on the neighbor’s sound system! I then asked the neighbor’s system, “Hey, Google! Do you recognize my voice?” Google replied, “Certainly. Hello (IRL Name)! How are you today?”

LuckyGuy's avatar

One of us called our Google Home device, Siri and it answered: “That was awkward.”
Very funny!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I was over at my next door neighbor’s once and said “Hey, Google” into my phone. Google answered my inquiry on the neighbor’s sound system!


MrGrimm888's avatar

^#1984 bruh!

kruger_d's avatar

Yes, and she also responds to my TV characters saying things like “Sorry”or “Hey, Sadik!”

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