@galileogirl: I do not mean that ADD is brought on by teachers. I think there is much less ADD out there than is diagnosed. I’m saying that teachers will call attention to troublesome students (mostly boys, but some girls), and start the process by which they get diagnosed and put on ritalin, and calmed down. Either that, or they get labeled as learning disabled, and are taken out of the classroom and put in a special classroom.
Begin Rant
Teachers, male or female, like quiet orderly classes. If you can’t control the student, you get rid of them either by physical removal, or through the administration of drugs.
But what I’m saying, is that we have medicalized and demonized what probably is normal behavior. I’m saying that boys, on average have a very different learning style, and if you’ll read some of the sources I provided, you’ll see what I mean. Boys, on average, need to move around more in space. They need to interact with the material on a physical level. They aren’t nearly as good as girls are about sitting still and listening, and processing information in a theoretical way.
Girls, however, can do that. And the vast majority of elementary school teachers are women. So the female learning style, naturally is preferred. Sure, sometimes enlightened teachers cater to alternate learning styles, but the vast majority want to do what is easiest for them. So I’m saying this is the feminization of education, and I will totally agree that it is sexist, but I it discriminates against boys, not girls.
You want to see the impact? Research it yourself if you want to see the numbers, but take my word for it, women make up a very strong and growing majority of students in higher education. Boys don’t have a chance any more. Women are rapidly approaching, if not surpassing being over half the labor force. Men are dropping out, because they don’t have the skills to do the work.
Now educated feminists focus on the glass ceiling, and say women can only rise so far and that’s it. That may be true. Now. In a decade, it will be but a faded memory. All right, maybe two decades.
Look, I’ve been a feminist all my adult life, because for me, feminism meant humanism. I thought men were discriminated against as “success” objects, just as women were denigrated as “sex” objects. Men die sooner, of diseases that are brought on by stress. Men are not allowed to be a part of the set of relationships that support women. We are discouraged from that, and told to be manly and take it on the chin, and stay strong.
The problem is, that women are still in oppression mode. You don’t yet see that you have won, and the tide is swinging the other way. You know about steering a supertanker? You have to stop turning long before you’ve gotten around the corner, or else you’ll oversteer and end up facing back the way you came.
Social movements are like that, too. Feminism, I believe is about equality. It’s not about giving women more to make up for past inequities. The way I see it, women already have more than men, and it’s getting worse. It starts in elementary schools, partly for the reasons I’ve described here, and it spreads up through all the educational ranks, even into Doctoral Programs. And now, the workforce.
I don’t know how many men see this. I know of one. Maybe two. I know men feel it. But since, on average, we have much less education than women, we may have a harder time articulating it. Hell, we have a hard time articulating, in general. We don’t think that way.
Feminization is a bad thing for men—when it hurts our ability to learn and to be productive members of society. But feminization is not just bad for men. Women will suffer for this, too, in the long run. You’ll be saddled with a bunch of men who can’t do shit, except maybe help you have babies. There’s a reason why evolution designed the sexes differently. We have different talents, and male talents are being systematically devalued these days.
I’m a demographer. I pay attention to these trends. If they aren’t changed now, this country, and maybe others, will be in for a hard time of it.
End Rant