I have no need to “defame” Christianity.
For future reference, I consider myself far more if an asshole, than a dick. But I don’t mind either.
As for your “imagined fear” of IDF following Gazans into Egypt, there is no imagination required.
Every day, diplomats are talking Netanyahu out if attacking Rafah. The city occupying the area by their Gazan border.
That is where Bibi claims that Hamas fled to. I think that they did actually recover at least one hostage from Rafah.
And. It sounds believable, to me.
The problem, is that Netanyahu is likely going to give Rafah, the “Gaza” treatment. That means unguided bombs, attacks on hospitals, medical workers, doctors, anyone who looks possibly Gazan.
More to the ridiculousness of your analogy, the Gazans are not immigrants. They do not intend to stay in Egypt. They intend to go back to the Strip, and rebuild.
A stark contrast between those people, and the people trying to enter America.
And again, no advanced military has any plans on invading El Paso, to hunt down their “enemies.”
You say Egypt should let the Gazans in. And Egypt definitely factors in the ethnic dilemma.
I too wish Egypt could help.
But. As I said, they are still struggling to become whatever they want to be, following “The Arab Spring.”
America has a border crisis, for the same reason. We can’t organize a reasonable way of taking in such large volumes of people.
You’re asking Egypt to do, what America can’t do.
You can opine until the cows come home, that Christianity has nothing to do with the Israel/Gaza issue.
Who do you think is behind the US’s funding for Israel?
The Christian people in America, believe that that land is sacred as well.
The 3AM time slots on cable are inundated with Christian televangelists, ALL asking for money to help.
And I have to ask, are you Wulf, aware of the term ”making Aliyah?”
“The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews,” is a well known organization.
Right on their statement page, it explains what your donations will be doing.
One of the core reasons for the group is to raise money for “making Aliyah.”
For those who don’t know what this is, I’ll give you their definition.
”Making Aliyah”- “Fulfiling biblical prophecy by helping Jews “make Aliyah” (immigrate to Israel) and supporting them before and after their arrival in the Holy Land.”
☆Your two ideologies, are intertwined…..
As a result, it is in EVERY Christians interest, to keep Israel Jewish.
I don’t need to be a theologian, to understand the ties with the Christian people in American government, and the Jews in Israel.
To be fair. The group I mentioned claims only 9% of the donations they receive go towards Jews “making Aliyah.”
The amounts donated by private citizens, combined with right-wing unwavering support for Israel from the US, are what is funding Israeli “defense.”
“Defense,” that periodically calls for massive offensives on their neighbors. Each time getting worse. Each time, leading to civilian casualties, and usually not even resulting in an injured IDF soldier.
NOW, it’s snowballed into what we are currently witness to.
Netanyahu, despite what he says, is definitely using this time, to kill as many Gazans as possible.
How many children do you think they gunned down in Gaza, for throwing rocks at IDF tanks?
LUCKILY, the US has no such neighbors.
But. Because of our country’s religious beliefs, we are THE reason Israel will always be tethered to us.
If/when America is pulled into a massive war in the ME, it will be 100% because of religion.
Don’t worry, I hate ALL organized religion. With excellent reason.
The Christians, are working their way to the top of my shit list.
Because they have to change everything to suit them. And they are very much trying to destroy America, and make it a Christian version of Pakistan.
Race, and ethnicity, are VERY important variables for white Christians in America. That immigrated here with Christians from Europe. Nationalism. Bigotry. Self-righteousness. Entitlement.
These are all worthy things, to protest.