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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever had to eat a meal with nothing to drink?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 30th, 2024

I did today. I was in the car. I was afraid of choking!

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16 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Yes. Eat slowly, and produce/swallow saliva.

SnipSnip's avatar

Back in the 80s I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and told not to drink with meals, but to have a beverage after the meal. It was not a big change for me but I, until now, drink little to nothing while eating but there is always a bottle of water with me…..24/7. The one time I just refuse to follow this is with dessert….......there WILL be coffee along with.

Forever_Free's avatar

Yep. Not my favorite thing to do but when eating lobsters on the beach without a drink I make the best of it.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve eaten plenty of meals without drinking anything, but I don’t know if I’ve ever eaten a meal without a drink readily available.

snowberry's avatar

I never drink while eating. It dilutes my stomach acid, which makes my digestion go slower. I sip something after, but I wait an hour or so to drink much liquid. I have been doing it this way for 20 -30 years or so. It works well.

janbb's avatar

I often don’t drink while eating a meal.

Smashley's avatar

All the time, especially when I’m out, since beverages are significantly more expensive than other classes of foods. Sometimes I just don’t think of it.

filmfann's avatar

Really? Seems ordinary.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yes, but ultimately I have to drink something afterwards; it helps with digestion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

For me, it was the firset time in my life! It was weird, especially since I had NO access to liquid.

@snip…how’s that going? I had a hiatle hernia a few years ago. They installed a metal magnetic artificial one to fix it. Sometimes I forget to tell the folks doing Xrays about it…. :D

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s usually warm-crazyhot where I am.
You typically have to drink a lot, and especially when you eat.
You also eat less, if you drink while eating. Although you may feel hungry earlier after such a meal, you need the water.
There will be three months or so, when walking from your vehicle to your front door, will give you a whole body sweat.
When I was a LEO, I wore all black, and with body armor, and all the other crap, that cane with it.
I worked nights, but it was still dangerously hot and humid.
Although I was supposed to keep a neat appearance, I frequently poured cold water over my head, and soaked my whole torso, throughout the night.
I was soaking wet, most of the time. But. I would have passed out. I definitely vomited just from being SO hot, most nights for several summers.
I wasn’t a police officer, so I didn’t usually have a personal vehicle, and therefore no A/C. I spent hours each night doing observation, and taking notes in various places outside.
When I bounced, wearing all my gear was optional, so I didn’t wear a vest, or utility belt.
The places I bounced at, were often full of drunk people, and most venues used fans, and left windows open.
I worked a lot of festivals too, where I was outside in the Sun, from 6AM-12AM.

Drinking, whilst eating, isn’t always a luxury. It is a necessity.

Many animals, especially when younger, get their water from what they eat. Baby birds, for instance, are not brought water. They eat juicy worms, insects, and soft tissues. That’s enough, until they get old enough to find, and drink water.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Owls get their water from their food. I took care of a baby owl for a week. I fed him liver.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yep. You can feed baby Bluejays cubed/soft catfood.

A friend of mine used to own a brain damaged cat. It was blind, and had a lot of trouble.
It never drank. It just are “wet” catfood. It lived for 15 years!

Fish never drink, I think most get water from what they eat.

SnipSnip's avatar

@Dutchess_III An artificial what?

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^ what @snip?

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