Social Question

chyna's avatar

What is it that you are most proud of?

Asked by chyna (51727points) May 1st, 2024 from iPhone

Go ahead. Pat yourself on the back.
I’m proud of keeping my promise to myself that I walk at least 10,000 steps a day after I retired.

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23 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

The way I raised my kid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It changes with time. Currently I’m proud of myself for keeping myself out of my wheel chair and on my feet even though it hurts.

cookieman's avatar

A few things, if I’m being honest…

After growing up in a family full of addicts, abusers, and mentally challenged people, I’ve managed to navigate away from all of those.

The person my daughter has become (and continues to become). We certainly can’t take all the credit, but I like to think we did pretty well in the parenting department.

And, that my wife and I have been together since we were 16 and, despite many challenges, still love each other and have a strong relationship.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Right on CookieMonster!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s easy, Mrs Squeaky.

mazingerz88's avatar

Walking 10K steps a day? I’m way off reading this question and suddenly feeling proud of being a member of
this present day human race that hasn’t fired any nuclear missiles yet at another country.

Demosthenes's avatar

I’m proud of nearing completion of my 350,000 word novel that I began writing when I was still an undergrad. I’m on chapter 53 of a planned 54. It’s looking like I will complete it around the same time I upend my life and move to a foreign country for the first time, something I am also proud of. 2024 is promising to be a turning point.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Or “turning a page.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I want a copy of your book @Demosthenes!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Several things, but today its for standing up for myself in a personal family issue.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My answer varies from day to day.
Sometimes it is my children, Sometimes it is my grandchildren.
Sometimes it is my clinical understanding of mathematics and engineering and how the world works. My patents.
Sometimes it is my ability to provide a comfortable life for my family.
Sometimes it is my ability to shuffle dance or play the harmonica.
Right now I am very proud of my health. Since Jan of 2023, I have been working on getting fit and in excellent cardio shape. I am very proud of my VO2Max number and what I have accomplished.
(Go ahead. Ask me!)

Brian1946's avatar

My brevity.

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy what is your VO2Max number?

cookieman's avatar

@Demosthenes: Congratulations!!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@chyna I’m so glad you asked. I am at 41 now. I’m working on 42.
Garmin calls that “Excellent” but I want to push it to “Superior.”

jonsblond's avatar

Yeah, the kid thing. @canidmajor

Can I brag about my youngest? The one who was told by his softball coach who was also a school board member that satan was responsible for him being trans? That was seven years ago and he’s now 20. He’s thriving in the city. He’s loved and accepted and has a full time job with great benefits downtown near Camp Randall. He’s loving life.

Congratulations, @chyna!

cookieman's avatar

@jonsblond: That is so great to hear! Good for him.

(and fuck that other guy)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Today is my 25th anniversary of getting sober. It’s one of the things I’m proud of, but it’s not necessarily the thing I’m most proud of.

I’m also proud of thriving as a gay man whose parents disowned him and of recovering from a serious mental illness.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I haven’t had a pop in 8 months.
Also I have had hit a 401 day streak on Duolingo French lessons.

filmfann's avatar

Keeping in mind that Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins…

I am very proud of my kids. My step-daughter married a guy who was born in Poland.
My daughter married a guy born in Argentina.
My son married a woman born in New York. Her mother traveled there from Korea to have the baby.
My kids don’t judge people based on where they are from.

I am also dizzy with pride over my father. The West Coast Stock Car and Motorsports Hall Of Fame has announced that he will be inducted into their Hall Of Fame as a pioneer in Auto Racing.

chyna's avatar

@filmfann Very impressive!

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