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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is there any reason why pet microchips couldn't be implanted in humans?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) May 3rd, 2024

For assistance in identifying a dead body? Or perhaps a badly injured person who is unable to identify himself?

I can think of several objections – privacy, being forced to be microchipped for two – but are there any positives?

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35 Answers

syz's avatar

Nope. It’s already being done

janbb's avatar

I don’t think i’d lie a microchip that says “Frodo Baggins.”.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Christians have a long standing conspiracy theory that this is the mark of the beast. Been hearing that bullshit for over 30 years.

There are numerous positives. If I had some sort of serious medical condition I’d want EMTs to be able to do a quick scan and get the info for one.

chyna's avatar

Criminals probably wouldn’t like this idea.

jca2's avatar

To me, it’s a little creepy.

@Blackwater_Park When you say “Christians,” you are referring to a certain type of Christian. Not all think alike.

canidmajor's avatar

Not keen on being LoJacked, myself, but I can see the positive and negative. A transponder if a child is prone to getting lost, or for dementia and/or Alzheimer’s sufferers who tend to go walkabout. Bad if used by stalkers. There are so many uses and misuses possible.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I would like mine to say my owner is Saki, my cat.

canidmajor's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Can you sure she’d retrieve you? ;-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@canidmajor I control the can opener that she adores.

cookieman's avatar

I’d prefer a tracking/information device that I can remove, like my Apple Watch.

If I fall or get into a car accident, it’ll call 911. My medical emergency info is accessible from the Home Screen. I can be tracked by my family using the Find My… app.

It’s just implanted in my body and I could turn it off if I want.

For little kids, you can put an AirTag or Square Tile in their shoes to track them.

ragingloli's avatar

Those chips are invasive markers of ownership. They are both a reminder and a means to enforce the idea, that “no matter how far you run, you belong to me, and I will find you.”
You get this chip implanted, you become the property of the people that control the chip, be it governments or corporations.

gorillapaws's avatar

They tried it back in the early 2000’s but the men in the test group kept humping the furniture.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I don’t see why not.

@Blackwater_Park isn’t wrong. At sone point it was your computer IP, then debit card/bank account, then phone or CCTV or ATM/traffic cams.
My cop friend said if you feel free it’s because you aren’t paying attention. Shrug.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

There are almost a million CCTVs in London, England; one for every 10 residents.

janbb's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes, they got very big on them during the IRA bombings.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A lot of Christians thought the bar code on stuff we buy was linked to Satan. The first, middle and last codes were all 6s.

filmfann's avatar

I can think of many useful reasons for this, but the possibilities for misuse of this is so staggering I am against it.

Wait… Wasn’t that what the “vaccines” were for?

jca2's avatar

When you put a chip in a pet, the chip gets registered to a company that stores the info on the pet’s name, birthdate, owner info, so the owner could be found if the pet gets lost and found by someone else. You pay an annual fee to the company and in turn, they have the info available.

Who’s going to store the info for humans? The government? Half the people don’t trust the government now, for things like virus and pandemic advice, or election results or a host of other things. A company? Would you want a company keeping your personal info? What if their computers were hacked? Then China or some hackers will have your info? Not good.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um. Pretty sure all our info is out there anyways

MrGrimm888's avatar

They already can track and monitor us WAY too much.
There’s absolutely NO FUCKING WAY I would EVER be OK with such a thing being mandatory.
I would cut ot out. I don’t care if it killed me.

If people want to volunteer for such a thing, like people with medical issues, they can do whatever. That’s fine with me.

As with a lot of technology, the cons outnumber the pros exponentially. Especially if we assume that such a thing would be controlled by the government.

If/when we reach a point where we are implanted with such devices, that will mark the end of society. At least, as we know it.

The potential for governments, and corporations to abuse such things, is unlimited.

We ALREADY can’t trust the government to even function enough to keep the country from almost shutting down every three months.

To me, such things, are the opposite direction of freedom and choice. Although those concepts aren’t really things we have now, most still have the illusion of freedom and making their own decisions.

JLeslie's avatar

Wikipedia page about it.,transponder%20into%20his%20left%20hand.

I can track my husband’s phone, actually I can see a lot of people’s location in my phone, so we already sort of track each other, but you can easily turn off the tracking on a phone.

The Wikipedia talks about people using a chip like a key for a door or a chip could be used to pay at a store like how we tap now I guess.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jca2….that’s the thing about religion. It’s a requirement that all members think alike. That’s why I was a bad Christian.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III You must know that there are many different denominations of Christianity and within each, many individuals have their own ethics and beliefs. Methodists have a schism between those who accept women priests and gay marriage and those who don’t, for one example.

jca2's avatar

@janbb I don’t get why so many people seem to lump Christians into one, like that. If I go to church once a year, which would be on Christmas eve, that’s a lot, for me. Yet many people on Fluther seem to think we’re all fundamentalists.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK. What if I told you two that I never believed in the Virgin Birth or the Resurrection? And any of the other “Miracles”?

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t think any of us really care what you, or anyone else, believes as long as they are not trying to impose their beliefs and practices on others.

LuckyGuy's avatar

In addition to the arguments above I can add some technical reasons.

1) The “chips”, (actually grain of rice), currently use RFID technology. The tech keeps changing and improving every 7–10 years – on the order of a pet lifetime. New pet, new tech. Any chip inserted in a human would be hopelessly out of date in 20 to 30 years.
2) The cost of DNA identification is dropping quickly and the ease of testing is increasing. There are now experimental batch DNA processors that handle 400 samples at a time at a cost $2 per sample. And that will be considered old tech in 5 years.
3) The RFID grains use a metallic loop or coil as the receiving and transmitting antenna. This could be damaged or affected by expensive CT or MRI scans that are rarely performed on pets.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I think most people know not all Christians are fundamentalists. It’s just when we talk about fundamentalists trying to control people with laws that fit their beliefs we often use the term “Christians” meaning the Christians who do that sort of thing, not that all Christians are like that. I try to be more specific, so it’s clear, but when people aren’t specific I still know who they are talking about.

People do the same for all groups. Jews, Latin Americans, etc.

SnipSnip's avatar

Yes. I don’t know a single person who could consent to such a thing.

Smashley's avatar

Eh, not really necessary. You can already do the same everything with facial recognition and biometric software without planting chips in you. We all have personal consumer/demographic/behavior profiles managed by the CCP, and I’ll bet at least one of us had a standing warrant for illegal speech. What’s possible is already horrifying, without chips. Laws are the only thing capable of controlling these forces.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Our computers are perfect chips

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Austin_'s avatar

@syz, being able to use your credit card through a chip in your hand actually sounds kind of cool. I’d be afraid they’d botch the surgery or something though.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Austin_ You’d have to wear lead chainmail gloves to prevent people from stealing your money when you shake their hands though…

kritiper's avatar

None whatsoever. Who will/could read if if they didn’t know it was there??

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