Star Wars vs Star Trek what universe would win if they fought?
Asked by
willbrawn (
September 25th, 2008
from iPhone
if they did fight how would triumph?
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95 Answers
I’d have to go with Star Wars for winning in a fight. Jedi’s are bad business for anyone once they get into one of the Star Trek Ships.
The power of the force would be the deciding factor for me. I think that gives Star Wars the edge.
If we’re talking Kirk vs. anyone in Star Wars… it would definitely be a battle royale.
Still, I’d hafta give the nod to Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back demonstrated navigation in three dimensions two years before Kirk explained it in Wrath of Khan… and with much more style.
Guys, I have to side with Star Trek. The technobabble alone trumps any Jedi. As an example, everyone knows that a quantum-fluxed nano-cooled temporal phased harmonic capacitor kicks some serious ass.
@sacaver, I agree, Trek owns the technobabble outright.
But… in every Star Wars episode, you’ll notice that they’ve applied their knowledge to the situation at hand. Look at the dedicated transports based on each planet’s unique properties. And at how many non-human-looking entities are able to mingle, cohabitate, and even communicate easily with each other… without English.
Good point.
I always thought it was the universal translator built into each communicator which allowed the entire freakin’ universe to speak, not only English, but American English.
But what about the Borg? All they need to do is assimilate one Jedi, and I think you’re done. On both sides. Jedi Borg. Oh the horror!
GA, @sacaver, for Jedi Borg. Nice play!
I have to vote for Star Wars, but only because the transporter was never properly weaponized.
I dunno, Star Wars has such an odd mix of high and low tech. If I have to fight bad guys, I’d rather do it from a distance with a taser, rather than a light saber. I tend to think that Star Trek technology would win out.
a borg android is going to be severely waaaaaay to slow to ever assimilate a jedi.
@syz, Star Wars did have blasters, y’know?
True, but the Borg en masse, I think the Jedi don’t stand a chance. Look at what happened when they were surrounded by a bunch of droids.
@syz: I agree with you. From a purely technology basis, Star Trek has the upper hand.
@rob: blasters are sooo from a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
Why has this debate become artificially limited to just the Jedis vs. the entire Star Trek universe?
Send the droids after the Borg.
Send the Empire (meaning clones) after the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, etc.
Send the Jedi against the Q continuum.
The star trek universe would win outright. I don’t just mean against the jedi, I mean against everybody. Just looking at the borg, yeah, they would kick some serious ass, but everyone is forgetting about such formidable opponents as the Klingons, Cardassians, the Hirogen, and, last but not least Species 8472. Also, the federation displays something that always seems to be lacking in the star wars universe: unity. How many times is there dissension in the ranks in star wars, hm? I mean, the biggest player went from being all out good to all out bad! I mean, sure, Picard went all Loqutus of the borg for a while, but the federation brought him back!
So, yeah, clearly my vote is for star trek.
@ jasongarret: while the transporter was never officially weaponized, the potential is still there. In an episode of Voyager, the Kazon get ahold of transporter technology and end up transporting themselves into walls and stuff like that.
And haven’t they used the transporter to send explosives either to a ship or to the general vicinity of a vessel? I’m looking for a reference to this, but I can’t find one.
@ jason, GA. I was in the process of typing up the list of other adversaries within the Star Trek universe. And good call on Species 8472.
Now, does this question assume that ALL entities within each respective universe will be fighting alongside others from that same universe? In other words, Sith and Jedi fighting with each other against Klingons/Federation/Borg?
And let’s not forget, the writers would just have Star Trek go back in time and make like it all never happened in the first place.
I vote Star Wars. But I might be bias.
@sacaver: I don’t think this assumes that all of the entities in each universe would be fighting alongside each other, but I think they just wouldn’t attack those from their own universe. The borg, for example, would recognize that maybe there is some technology that the jedi and/or the sith have that they don;t have so the borg would go after them. there is also the possibility that the federation would ally with the borg (as has been done in the past) to defeat the sith/jedi/trade federation/whatever. Also, the start trek universe is full of species/people who go for the kill whereas it seems the jedi don;t like to kill, but instead prefer to incapacitate. I mean, a lot of the time, they are just fighting droids.
ok, I’m not suggesting a Jedi would ever try and fight a fleet of ships from star trek, but they have the ability to sense what’s going on even if they are far away from what they’re tracking, like a sixth sense. You put one Jedi on each battle cruiser, and you’ll be able to do some serious damange.
Not to mention the Death Star!!! I mean come on!! I have seen nothing in Star Trek that would come close to the power and destruction that the death star carries with it.
Oh, and as far a a Jedi being surrounded by borg, again, most Jedi will have the intuition to know not to get themselves into a situation that would get themselves surrounded by some slow moving androids that are limited to melee attacks. I think it would only take a trio of Jedi in one borg cube, and that cube is going down, and fast.
@Random: Just to address the Death Star comment—what about the Genesis Device? Or the Xindi’s weapon? The beauty of these “destroyers of worlds” is their size. The Genesis Device was deployed from a torpedo bay, and the Xindi sphere used subspace to bypass defenses. So, unlike the Death Star (a lumbering white planetoid with the albedo of the Moon and subtlety of a drunk cow), both of these weapons are small and pack an earth-shattering wallop. When it comes to power and destruction, size apparently isn’t everything.
seriously, this thread has got to be pegging the nerd meter
what about a all out space battle. Star Wars seems to have more fighters for combat while star trek is all exploration. My vote for space fight. Star wars.
@willbrawn, yeah I agree, much more fighters than exploring ships in star wars, rather star trek….just look a the name of each “wars” and “trek”
On a whim, I thought I’d check what kind of supply chain there might be to support a war from either side.
Using a top-tier supplier, it looks like Star Wars toys outnumber Star Trek toys over five to one.
5,324 “toys & games” for Star Wars
981 “toys & games” for Star Trek
Seems to me then that Star Wars would have a pretty deep bench when it comes to weapons and personnel selection.
@robmandu star wars figures FTW
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oh and star wars has better land troops too
My vote would definitely have to go with Star Wars. They are just way more advanced in terms of ground forces of all kinds and space forces of any type. better weaponry, better vehicles. Star Trek is more of the exploring type, not to mention waaaaay more realistic, Star Trek has science on their side. In Star Wars ships explode in to huge fire balls, but there is no oxygen in space so how can there be fire. There is also no sound so how can you hear the sound of a TIE Fighter flying bye. Besides Star Wars is in a whole other universe where the word “Earth” is gibberish and it is a long time ago where as Star Trek is implied to be in the future. Star Trek is based from Earth. But maybe in that Star Wars universe there is oxygen in space or fire is not fueled by oxygen. Star Wars is way cooler and has been expanded waaaaaaaay more than Star Trek in terms of books and TV shows.
Technology will win wars. The United States is a good example of that in modern warfare.
I don’t know, is Picard in charge?
Is it the Clone Wars era or the Galactic Civil War era
I’m amazed no one brought this up yet; specifically where weaponry is concerned.
Lasers are not nearly so powerful as phasers; proton torpedos may be as powerful as photon, but I doub’t it. Starfleet shielding seems far more powerful than Republic/Empire shields. I remember watching an episode of ST:TNG where a ship, somewhat comparable to a SW type vessel, couldn’t even penetrate the Enterprise-D’s navigational screens (that obliterate cosmic dust, debree, etc while they are warping across the galaxy) with their laser batteries, so say nothing of their defensive shields.
Would there even be enough Jedi to span and confront the entire breadth of Federation planets and ships? Dunno. Remember also that Vulcan’s mental powers are formidable, and I recall reading that the ancient Vulcans practised disciplines as Psionic warriors, utilizing their mental prowess in martial form. SW ace in the hole would be the Death Star, but theres only one of these. the Imperial SDs again use only standard lasers, and a well placed phaser hit from a starship phaser could knock one out easily.
Still, this is really apples and oranges; I like em BOTH for different reasons, but I’d have to go with TREK (sure they are about exploration mostly, but any that could stand toe to toe with the BORG and live to tell the tale, well . . .)!
@TheKNYHT The Empire and the Galactic Republic had control of almost the entire galaxy and i think the Federation is still exploring their galaxy, am i wrong. @all also from what ive seen there are no fighters shown in star trek and plenty powerful fighters in star wars. fighters can pin point and swarm an enemy’s week spot. there are also no anti fighter turrets in star trek, only the forward phasers which have a beam far to small to target smaller ships. The star wars ships are also alot bigger that star trek vessels.
@Blobman the TREK universe incorporates much more than what we see in TV and in films, there are also books and technical manuals. In these two latter cases (though I don’t own any tech manuals) there are instances of smaller fighter vessels used for closer range enemy craft.
True the Empire has more hardware as they encompass a far greater territory, but as we learned in the Cold War era quality beats out quantity (referring to US quality military hardware compared with Soviet philosophy that says ‘more is better’).
As far as phasers are concerned, the phaser banks are omni-directional, and photon torpedos have sophisticated tracking devices. Not to mention Imperial starships travel only at the speed of light, whereas most starships can attain speeds of warp 6 to 8 (thats 6 to 8x the speed of light, squared).
Any way you cut it, it seems TREK is superior.
This IS fun to talk about and conjecture though!
I think fans from both have often wondered what would happen if these two universes collided. I even toyed with outlines for such a story!
I always thought that the SW’s term “light speed” was considered a misnomer. They also use the phrase “jump to hyperspace”. Having only seen the movies, and not read any of the books, I would guess that the rate of travel is undefined.
That said, the Empire is able to move “small moons” over great distances without waiting an extended time. I know in ST:TNG, there were instances where they traveled at top warp speed for days, even weeks. No mention of that kind of travel time in SW movies.
@robmandu well light speed would be ‘the speed of light’ or 186,000 miles per second.
warp speed is altogether different.
Warp 2 for example isnt twice the speed of light, its 2×2 the speed of light, warp 3 is 3×3 the speed of light, and so on.
@TheKNYHT, yah, I get that. One point I was making is that in SW, they use the term “jump to light speed” interchangeably with “jump to hyperspace”.
It’s nice that “warp” has a simple mathematical expression.
But another point I tried to make was that they don’t define the speed of “hyperspace” in SW movies. And they’re seemingly able to cross the entire galaxy in ridiculously short amounts of time – think of the end of Ep5-TESB where the medical ships are congregated within view of an entire galactic system.
Obviously star trek will win. They have the multi-vector assault mode that can destroy large vessels even republic cruisers, transphasic torpedoes that can totally destroy a huge vessel (borg cubes and stardestroyers for example). Star wars fans thought the federation had no planet killers, the feds also have them. Its General Order 24 which orders any starship to destroy all life on a planet. My most favorite is the armor technology from voyager. it is said that no weapons fire could penetrate it except for borg weapons fire
Even the jedi wouldnt stand a chance. the delta quadrant’s ocampa have powerful mental powers thatb can surpass the force. instead of a jedi/sith choking someone, an ocampa can burn their blood just like what happened to tuvok. and an ocampa can reflect also other mental powers so if vader wanted to choke kes from voyager, it would probably reflect back to vader, thus choking himself
@Trekkie “never underestimate the power of the force”
“Never underestimate the power of the force”. Hmmmmm, ST already has the force long before SW was created. The Platonians from TOS “Plato’s Stepchildren”, possess Force-like powers and in the 24th century maybe, their planet is inside Federation space.
@Trekkie they had the force first? Do you know how old the Jedi date back to?
this is amusing, but I remember an email from years ago, that described the difference as how asteroid fields are navigated. Star Trek handles them at 1/4 impulse, while Star Wars puts the pedal to the metal.
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I have read this thread again, and have since changed my mind about Star Wars winning. I now think Star Trek would win.
I’m very upset by the lack of the name Boba Fett in this thread.
He could take on the entire Star Trek universe alone and dominate.
In the grand scale of things I would have to go with Star Wars over Trek only because the Enterprise had the the Engines upside down on top with the bridge out in the open on top and vulnerable
By the way, for those still following this, here is a nice clip.
My vote is always for Star Trek. There are some issues though that some have brought up, such as the fact that Star Wars, being a long long time ago, would have become far more advanced by the era of Star Trek. I am going by the assumption that we are talking about the universes each in their own time periods (Star Trek is still in our future, Star Wars is still a long long time ago). I would also like to point out that the Borg are not limited to melee attacks, as someone mentioned on here. I can’t recall when, but I have seen them using some kind of green, ranged energy weapon. I also do not believe that simple laser based weapons of Star Wars would have much of an effect on Star Trek ships’ shielding, which is meant to withstand phasers (being significantly more complex than mere lasers). Also, the most ridiculous post I have read here thus far was one that said that the jedi would fight the Q continuum. I find this extremely unlikey, since the Q could snap their fingers and cause all the jedi to simply cease to exist. That’s a bit better than the jedi “force”, if I’m not mistaken. Don’t get me wrong, I actually love Star Wars. I’m always a fan of the biggest ships and the most powerful weapons, and I’ve always considered the star destroyers and death star and everything that Star Wars gets to be quite spectacular. However, even the death star wouldn’t last long if assaulted by a whole fleet of Borg Cubes (yes, it could certainly destroy one in an instant with its superlaser, but it also takes forever to recharge. In the meantime, the Borg are beaming inside on all levels and assimilating all the personel). And then, just imagine what would happen if a single ship snuck up on it and hit it with a genesis device… And finally there’s the argument of Star Wars fighters beating on the Star Trek capships. People don’t seem to be realizing the fact that generally, Federation vessels DO have point defence! Just because you don’t see a lot of fighters in Star Trek (although some games do feature them), doesn’t mean they don’t have to shoot down a missile or small asteroid or something every now and then. I’m sure the same point defence systems work decently enough against fighter to take care of it.
Oh… I also feel I should mention if we are basing our statistics on the novels and games and such for each, rather than just episodes or movies, that Star Trek ships can indeed carry fighters during times of war. Just look at the game Starfleet Command… Fighters are pretty important sometimes.
@ groo567 How do you know that phasers are stronger than lasers? And lasers are not the only thing that Star Wars vessels carry. What about all the missiles and ion cannons and such.
@Blobman there was an episode of Star Trek Next Generation, where Captain Picard encountered a ship that had lasers as it’s weapon system. The ship open fired on the Enterprise, and it did no damage at all. Also, missiles wouldn’t really do much to a Star Trek vessel, as they can use the phasers to shoot them on their way in, and they would have to make it past their shields as well.
We have hyperdrive. Your little Enterprise couldn’t even catch us.
Ya. What rangerr said!! HAHA @RandomMrdan And how do you know that say the turbo laser turrets of an Imperial Star Destroyer aren’t more powerful than those on the ship that Picard encountered.
And: there are vessels smaller, faster, and more maneuverable than the Death Star that have super lasers. Take the Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer for example, I’m sure that “Our [the star trek] cruisers can’t repel firepower of that magnitude!” – Admiral Ackbar
HyperDrive is = to Warp 1… anyway… The Q Continuum alone will be able to destroy All of Star Wars.. How are u meant to Force Grip someone when they can instantly Teleport away.. MindTrick won`t be able to work on the Q Continuum Because Q Are NOT Weak Minded…
Alssoo.. Anyone Seen the Episode on Star Trek – TNG where there is this Old Man that Accidentally Kills every Single Man, Women and Child From the Race that Killed his Wife..? Coz thats Pretty Freaky.. I`m Not sure but i don`t think that a lightSaber Will Be able to Deflect Death.. haha..
its as easy as this star wars would get its ass kicked simply by one letter “Q” their is no refute for how star wars or Jedi or Sith would ever kicked a “Q’s” ass simply put Q is Omnipotent.
@Kingkaizer AI bet if a Jedi/Sith was powerful enough they could simply use The Force to keep them from teleporting. And they could predict is using The Force.
It is possible that the force doesn’t exist and possibly can not be used in the star trek universe. If the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians and unimatrix zero ex-borg worked together with the Jedi to find a way to allow access to the Force using portable transdimentional or transuniversal tech in return for this favor the Jedi could offer to use the force to sever all the borg from the collective using the newly reacquired force to guide them to where they need to strike and using force powers that disable the borg crew and ships without hurting the the lifeforms themselves.
@borgranta sounds like you’ve got the makings for a good book.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. It might go slightly to Star Trek I hate to say, though Star Wars have the Death Star but maybe only 2 at best there could be 100s if not 1,000s of Borg cubes and spheres. And I am not sure a Jedi could keep up with how fast the Borg could adapt their shields. Also Star Trek has cloaking, transporters, and Species 8472. The Jem’Hadar would overwelm the Stromtroopers, the Jem’Hadar don’t eat, don’t sleep, and so long as they are doped up, will fight to the end even worse than Klingons. for them victory isn’t everything, it is the only thing. And if that were not enough the Founder Changlings would have given the Jedi fits, and then you have the mother of all ace in the holes Q of the Q Continuum Jedi that!. Sorry Star Wars I love you but you don’t have the might to muscle Star Trek around.
If you think about it, Star Trek has obviously been thoroughly thought out. That means that Star Trek has limits. Star Wars on the other hand, leaves almost endless possibilities. I do not know that much about the Trek story so correct me if I’m wrong
And does anyone else find it amazing that 67 answers and two years later we are still pondering the same question.
Considering the question says universe, @Blobman, you’re right.
The SW universe which I consider to include the extended universe is still being expanded on, and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.
I know very little about Star Trek, but I do know that it would be very unlikely that they would have something to defeat everything that the SW universe has to offer.
@rangerr I know very little about Star Trek, but I do know that it would be very unlikely that they would have something to defeat everything that the SW universe has to offer. From what I have seen there is, ST has Q of the Q Continuum, The Borg, and Species 8472. The onlything I seen in the SW universe that even had a chance was the Jedi and I don’t think even they had the umph to deal with the Q Continuum. The Stormtroopers were bad but I believe against the Jem’Hadar and the “Founders” they would have had their hands more than full, and would have been decimated by the Borg. Three Borg Cubes agains one Death Star would have given the name “death” to that star because the Cubes would win every time.
Having just educated myself on the Q, I see where the Trekkies are coming from. If the Star Wars universe took on the Q, as much as I hate to admit it, the Q would win.
But, seeing as the original question does not say, “Star Wars vs. the Q who would win if they fought?” I think that the Q are out of the question. The Q ”...he arguably has humans’ best interests at heart…”——Many of Star Wars’s organizations are contain many humans. So I believe that the Q might not want to get involved.
@Blobman Even with Q out of the picture pitting a Borg Cube against the Death Star is not much of a battle. The Death Star does not have the shields or the weapons to match. The Death Star might get two maybe three shots at best then the Bord will have modulated their shields and the Death Star or any Tie fighter is toast. And once the Borg tansports onto the Death Star and starts to assimilating Stormtroopers it is all over. Even Droid Destroyers won’t save them. Star Trak just has too man weapons. If the Borg were not enough toss in Species 8472 and Krenim Empire with their temporal weaponry would be hard for even the Jedi to keep up with.
And why is only the Death Star taken into account, If the Rebellion can destroy the it I’m sure the Borg can. What about the Republic and the Confederation?
You know what, taking this guy into consideration, I think just about any enemy might be able to defeat the Star Wars universe.
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lol for two years! That’s crazy.
I really don’t know much about either. Lightsabers seem deadly though, but a phaser or wtv they have in Star Trek might be easier to use.
I don’t know. The Vulcan Nerve Pinch is pretty awesome. But what the fuck’s that gonna do against the Death Star lol.
@Hypocrisy_Central ”...they can only control one thing at a time and not over that great a distance.” Actually, Jedi can control multiple objects at once and the distance varies depending on the the Jedi’s knowledge of the force.
@Blobman A Jedi is not Data, they can’t focus on dozens of dozens of things all at once, if they could they could have disabled all the Stormtroopers in one swoop, or take down the blockage young Skywalker did when he took out the main craft. I love Star Wars and that world but head to head against Star Trek it would be like Iron Mike in his prime going up against Hattie, Star Wars would put up a good fight for all of 1:30 seconds then lights out.
Pretty sure Admiral Akbar would get any job done.
i wasn’t going to comment on this, but i am tired of reading thoughts along the lines of “in a race, star trek would win.” please remember that Star Wars uses Quantium Slipstream Technology, which according to the episode “hope and fear” is much faster than warp
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there is much more to talk about, such as the utter lack of heavy assult in Star Trek. in impractibality of phasers, up to and including aiming and reloading. though in this i never mentioned Jedi, Sith, or the force. some will argue Q. though anytime your agrument equates to “God won’t let us lose,” you forfit a serious conversation. if you would like to know more contact me and i would be glad to discuss it
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@Hypocrisy_Central I’m not saying that any Jedi could disable hundreds of troops, but certainly not just one thing at a time. If there are several troops in a small area than they could be immobilized as a group and most of the Jedi I’ve seen have two hands or don’t need hands to use the force.
skip to 0:35
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Chewie was delicious.
It was all over in a matter of minutes.
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