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honeybun35's avatar

Have you ever dealt with a bipolar demon?

Asked by honeybun35 (1101points) May 7th, 2024

Dealing with a pregnant family member who turns into the exorcist when she have an episode. How long will this last?

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12 Answers

smudges's avatar

Has she always been like this? or just when pregnant?

filmfann's avatar

—Actually I think you’re saying they turned into the possessed, not the Exorcist.—

When my daughter in law had her first child, my son said she was at the point of saying “There is no Christina, only Zuul!”

seawulf575's avatar

She’ll likely get over it when the child is about 23 and out of the house. But the hormonal part will likely end a few months after the baby is born, when she gets settled into the routine of raising the child.

Forever_Free's avatar

Is the person diagnosed? Once diagnosed, you don’t lose that diagnosis.
Don’t use that term unless you know they are. It’s a neurological disorder and not just a perceived feeling about someone.

canidmajor's avatar

@honeybun35 Have you ever been pregnant? It’s a bit of a roller coaster at the best of times. Do lighten up and appreciate that this is a time that is very fraught, no matter how “easy” a pregnancy might be.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I agree the term should not be applied flippantly. Women handle it differently, some are experienced but may have health concerns, for others a first baby can be very stressful.
I would take it easy on her and help her out, rather than calling her names. My neighbor is due any day now and is very sweet and calm, but she has supportive friends and family who help make her discomfort easier. Heck I cook for her cravings and check on her daily. Be nice!

honeybun35's avatar

10783* not as bad pregnancy made it worse

Forever_Free's avatar

Is that the ICD-10 Code for the condition?

smudges's avatar

^^ no, it’s my score in the first response. Apparently the OP doesn’t know how to reference an answer…i.e. @smudges

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ An interesting new way to reference people @10783

Forever_Free's avatar

err @10788 :)

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