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jca2's avatar

What kind of noise(s) do you hear, when you're home and it's late at night?

Asked by jca2 (17248points) May 9th, 2024

Is it quiet where you live? I was just thinking about it, because where I live is very quiet, and I was thinking about if I had to live in a city where there were people talking outside at night, outside my window, how it would be really hard to adjust to that.

Where I live, I hardly hear any cars late at night. The cars I do hear are off in the distance, about 100 feet away, so it’s faint. I live on a rural route, and the road is mainly used during rush hours, and then the traffic tapers off late into the evening, and once midnight comes, there are almost no cars on the road at all. I live on a lake, and very rarely I will hear geese at night. There’s a little municipal airport about 8 miles away, and a larger airport about 20 miles away, so occasionally I will hear a plane. I also hear the ticking of the clock in my bedroom and the hum of the refrigerator.

What do you hear, late at night, where you live?

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13 Answers

Smashley's avatar

Just my trusty tinnitus,

smudges's avatar

Once in a while I’ll hear something dropped on the floor from the apartment above me. The interstate is 200–300 feet away, but my apt is well-insulated so I only hear cars if I have my patio door open, which I don’t do at night. Sometimes I hear the air conditioner come on. It’s pretty quiet, unlike my last apartment.

JLeslie's avatar

Dead quiet in my house at night. I love it. It’s just as quiet with my window open. The one exception is inside of my house if you are near the fridge you will hear it come on to cool periodically. I guess the guest room might hear my neighbor’s air conditioner if the window is open? I never hear it with the window closed, and I wouldn’t sleep with it open. I’m not even 100% sure you would hear it with the window open.

If you count the 24 hour a day noise in my ears, I hear that at night, but no one else does. Lol.

cookieman's avatar

It’s 4AM just north of Boston.

I can hear the occasional car passing by on a nearby cross street and our Maltese snoring.

canidmajor's avatar

I live right by I95, and at night it sounds like a river, very soothing. There are dogs that bark on occasion, and some normal suburb noises. The railroad tracks are nearby, so sometimes I hear a train.
Really, nothing generally disturbing.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It is very quiet here. I live on a one mile long, dead end road across from a wildlife preserve.

I hear my sump pump turn on and off periodically. The refrigerator makes weird noises every now and then. My whole house air filtration system makes a continuous but quiet air blowing sound through the registers.
Wildlife make all kinds of sounds…

And then, on opening day of water fowl season, there are suddenly dozens of shotgun blasts at sunrise. Fortunately, it is expected and predictable.
;kjhgf it is expected.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Too late to edit: Delete that last gibberish line. ”;kjhgf it is expected.”

flutherother's avatar

I hear an occasional car drive by. Sometimes I hear voices and the slamming of a taxi door.

SnipSnip's avatar

During season I hear motorcycles and/or cars racing out on the highway. There is a racetrack nearby which I don’t hear but I think people leave there with the “Need for speed,” as described by Maverick. Once the seasonal people go home, it stops. Occasionally I hear a copter or plane but not often. The outdoor bar that used to entertain us until 2AM has been closed for about six years now.

YARNLADY's avatar

My house is very noisy. There are various electronic devices that hum or come on and go off; cars and motorbikes go by around 2 am, my Ring security device beeps every time and even when an animal walks down my driveway; fire fighting airplanes fly over several times each night training; fire engine sirens from the station two blocks away several times; popping and groaning from my house adjusting to temperatures and winds; the outdoor shades on my patio flapping in the wind; dogs barking at animals passing by; cats or squirrels run over my roof now and then. It’s never silent, even when the power goes off. All electronic noise stops, but everything else just keeps up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My cat madly chasing invisible demons.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was your cat walking across your keyboard @LuckyGuy!

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