Social Question

Is Industrialized animal farming, the slavery of our generation?(Details.)
I’m not sure where all of you get your news, but I have been seeing studies pop up about our understanding of “sentience.”
More specifically, there is a growing support of the idea that not just humans, but many/all animals/insects are “sentient.”
Biological experiments with a wide variety of animals over the years have a lot of the same theses (if I may VASTLY ovetsimplify.)
Traits like knowing if you are in a cage, understanding your reflection, and other behaviors are things that many species have that scientists say prove they are as aware of their life, as much as we are.
Biologists seem to agree that we may just be scratching the surface in our abilities to understand the animals we co-inhabit Earth with.
Just like we are learning more about physics, space, etc at a rapid pace currently, because we had to basically make artificial senses like seeing in ultraviolet light, looking at things through the use of magnification or bending of light, slow motion photography, drones to watch wildlife, vessels that can take us to other animals environments, etc we are learning that we are not so different than all of nature.
I know that many people who work with animals have always known they weren’t just dumb beasts.
We likely all know that farms for food animals, are a terrible thing. Our opinions may vary on their necessity, but I don’t think anyone likes what the animals have to endure to get to our plates.
Necessarily evil, or not, I wonder if on the future we will treat animals in such ways.
Slavery, especially in America, was something that was always terrible. We essentially woke up, and stopped it. Now, it’s considered wrong.
Obviously, there were likely thousands of people who didn’t like slavery, but were complicit as “those were the times.”
If we continue to find out (I think we will) that most animals are sentient, we will likely stop the type of mass farming that we currently do.
To be clear, I am NOT a vegetarian, and that probably won’t ever change.
I’m not even saying we shouldn’t eat animals.
But. The chicken, pig, cow, fish and other industrial animal farms and slauter houses, may be phased out.
This thread is NOT intended to be about if you would eat “fake/lab grown meat.”
But. For the sake of the conversation, we realistically could switch to something like that.
I was also hoping to avoid to much focus on if animals ARE sentient. Again, for conversations sake the assumption is that they are or even if they aren’t, they shouldn’t be “farmed.”
In the near future, will industrial animal farming, be looked back on as barbaric and cruel? (Like slavery.)