What's up with you?
Today, I start a new state position that is a promotion.
I rejoined the workforce 9 years ago after 8 years living on disability. I was truly very ill for a long time. With the help of good doctors and excellent social workers and with my own determination to recover, I began to imagine going back to work. My job has been stressful and challenging and enormously rewarding. I am fully recovered. (I’m not cured of mental illness, but fully recovered.)
Now I’m ready for a new challenge. I began applying for new positions last year and finally found the right one. I will work in the Executive Office on Aging running a program giving funds to the elderly who qualify to hire their own caregivers to keep them independent as long as possible.
What’s up in your life? How’s the family? Are you getting around OK these days? Anything new? Cooked anything spectacularly delicious recently? Talk to us.
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25 Answers
I mostly just wanted to congratulate you on overcoming significant challenges and on the promotion!
Not much exciting from me. I finished PT on my knee. It’s still a bit iffy, but markedly improved. I finally convinced my boss to drop the money to upgrade our software which allows us to do lots of cool stuff, but I’m working through all of the configurations and integrations to make that happen. It’s keeping me very busy, but it’s been good.
I am so pleased for you, Jake! This sounds like a good fit, and in a few years, I will count on you giving me tips!
My weed wacker died and I have to research new ones. Pretty exciting stuff.
Good for you, @Hawaii_Jake. I’m happy to hear that your job’s going well.
As for me, well, I’ve spent the past 6 weeks or so nursing some partial tears in a rotator cuff. I don’t need surgery, just faithful PT and plenty of patience. Otherwise, my life is quiet and peaceful, just the way I like it.
@canidmajor Give Ego tools a look if you’re considering going battery powered. I’ve switched nearly all of my yard tools over to Ego over the years and it’s been amazing. No more futzing with carbs and ethanol in the gas and fuel stabilizer in the winter and broken pull starts, not to mention the noise. You just plug in a battery and it starts right up. You can also find 3rd party compatible batteries that work just fine if you need replacements and are much cheaper.
@gorillapaws Thanks for the tip! I am definitely going battery this time (from corded) and Ego (along with Craftsman) will be checked out.
Congrats @Hawaii_Jake I bet you are psyched!!!!!
Doing great here. Restoration of 125 yr old Victorian house on Maine Island is going well.
Had friends over to the house this past weekend as the Dining Room is completed now. Made a Baked Scallop Casserole in panko which was a great hit. Fresh local scallops.
I’ll be participating in a Pickleball Tournament this weekend.
Daughter is moving back from Montana as she accepted a PhD program in Vermont.
Life is Good. Damned Good! Thanks for asking.
Congratulations! I’ve noticed your posts have been more upbeat and that’s terrific!!
Good luck with the new job @Hawaii_Jake I’m pleased for you.
Thanks, all. The first morning went very well. I even completed a task in a brand new computer program for my new supervisor.
Instead of a $60 pizza, or bucket of kfc, I have ordered lots of fresh berries, fruit, and milk. Also I ordered a 4kg box of frozen chicken wings.
Bravo Hawaii Jake! Way to persevere. Love to hear stories like yours. It’s uplifting and powerful.
I’m just living happily ever after. Managing my athletic lifestyle, home and garden, wife and 3 cats. Life is good here.
Good health!
Stay strong!
Yea congrats man! You should feel a lot better about how high you climbed!
I have been learning to cook, and I got a good grasp of many things the past few years…but you can taste the huge difference in pan cooking versus a grill….fire just makes food better.
Congratulations on your new promotion, @Hawaii_Jake! That’s great news!
I have been retired for almost 3 years now. My daughter is in 11th grade, so I am trying to guide her and get her the standardized testing and all that fun stuff that she needs as her high school years approach the finish line. Other than that, I keep busy with some groups and events, a book group that meets for dinner once a month, some crafts at the library here and there, and trying to organize stuff at home and get rid of stuff.
One of my hobbies is refinishing furniture and other things. A few weeks ago, I bought a little cabinet that says “1931” on the bottom of one of the drawers. I took the doors off and sanded them, and shined the knobs, and I am going to sand and stain the whole thing. I ordered glass to protect the top, which was 65 dollars. The cabinet was $15 at a church tag sale but between the stain, the finish, the sand paper, the glass top, it’s adding up but it’s fun and the finished product will be fun to see.
My dad died last Friday. As horrible as it sounds, it was a relief. He’s had Alzheimer’s for 10 years, and the person that was my dad has been gone for a long time. It’s still hard, though, and I had no idea that there was so much paperwork involved in dying.
On the extreme other end of the emotional teeter-totter, I’m off to Alaska next week for vacation.
Aw, @syz, I am glad that your family and your dad can find some peace. Have a restorative vacation!
@syz I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m sorry it took this to get relief.
Congratulations @Hawaii_Jake on the new adventure!!
Cheers to everyone’s good news and ((HUGS)) to all the Jellies facing challenges.
I’m so sorry about your Dad, @syz.
@syz Heartfelt condolences. Wishing you and your family peace in this difficult time. I hope your trip to Alaska brings new perspectives and memorable experiences.
I had my first 24 hours back at home after being in the hospital for 14 days with a viral infection that then became viral pneumonia. Still trying to get my sleeping routine back to normal and now having to be on oxygen, although hopefully that won’t be forever.
@LifeQuestioner Oh dear! Malama pono (take especially good care of yourself wished from the heart).
@LifeQuestioner I hope you can recover completely, soon. Sending green light and healing thoughts.
@LifeQuestioner: Glad you are home! Hope your recovery continues swimmingly.
Thank you everyone! It’s so good to be home. I’m getting a little bit stronger everyday, but it’s a slow process. I’m not sure yet when I’ll be strong enough to leave the house, but I will actually start working from home some next week because while I am physically weak, I’m going a bit stir crazy mentally. People from church have been bringing me meals and helping out with other things which I really appreciate!
^Thanks for asking. I’m learning a new computer application. There are a lot of details to remember. I’ve got the firm idea that job will not be overwhelming.
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