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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

(NSFW) How much money and grief would be saved if soft or energy drinks were restricted to adults only?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25076points) May 25th, 2024

From dental costs, to grief, and hospital emergency visits?

What else would improve life if was restricted?

Like Q-Tips (cotton buds) in the ear? Also caffeine, and added sugars?

Also what should not be restricted to children? I spent hours skipping school looking for kissing scenes in soap operas, and would like to have been taught an appropriate way to relieve my sexuall frustrations?

I would have more time to do homework , and might not of skipped as much schools as I did.

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6 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

Shoot, we can’t keep substances that are restricted to children away from them (cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, etc). Likely the kids will find ways to get newly restricted substances as well.
So I suspect that there will be little savings in money and grief.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. This question, or the concept, is VASTLY bigger and more complex than just soda.

But. If you’re curious “why soda,” is so popular, it’s because you are on a continent that has massive corn farms. Corn syrup, is (unfortunately) a very common ingredient in foods/beverages on grocery store shelves.

Ethanol, is added to the gasoline, ALL to put all that corn to use.

Processed, and ultra-processed sugar, is another massive culprit.

Overall nutritional standards are in a constant state of decline.

And yes, there are zillions of things we should not consume, ever. Not just at certain ages.

This be a big can ‘o worms.

seawulf575's avatar

Restricting things like that would seem impossible. Just like with the Volstead Act that outlawed alcohol, it would fail miserably.

Much of what you are seeing as problems are choices in parenting, individual choice, and some societal hang-ups.

kruger_d's avatar

There are teens self-medicating their ADHD with energy drinks. They feel good, but their symptoms are worse.

smudges's avatar

Adults get cavities and tooth erosion, too! It’s not a kid-only issue.

“Soft drink consumption is one of several leading causes of tooth decay. Soda is a triple threat to your teeth. Besides weakening tooth enamel, the carbonation, sugar and acids encourage the growth of bacteria in your mouth and on your teeth, which contribute to cavities.”

Forever_Free's avatar

We would just find a different vice to spend that money on.

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