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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is it normal to feel a bit miserable?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) May 28th, 2024

From time to time?

How are you feeling now?

My health varies from time to time recently. Sometimes from minute to minute tonight. In this year I’m doing much better.

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7 Answers

smudges's avatar

I wouldn’t say it’s normal but I’d guess many people do. Common may be a more appropriate word. Feeling now? Kinda hopeless – I think I could use another jolt or 10 from ect.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update I am feeling much better. Just needed some berries, and time. Talking to my mom helped.

gondwanalon's avatar

This reminds me of an appointment I had with a cardiologist 12 years ago. He kept me waiting in an exam room for over an hour (typical). He walked in and went right to the computer screen. Didn’t acknowledge my presence. Started working the keyboard. Didn’t look at me and asked, “How do you feel when your heart is in a-fib?” I answered, “I feel sick and miserable”. He asked, “What do you mean by that?” I was having a bad day. So I asked, “What part of sick and miserable don’t you understand?” He responded, “I’m through caring for you. The cardiologist down the hall will take care of you from now on. I left and never went back.

I’m feeling terrific nowadays mainly because I found heart experts that have the skills and desire to help me.

Good health!

MrGrimm888's avatar


You are NOT alone, on the struggle bus big guy.

I’m sorry life’s getting you down though.

I’ve let it beat me up lately too.
I’m trying to stay positive….

This too, shall pass…..

Forever_Free's avatar

Of course it is. We all go through things. What matters is the level of “miserable”, how long it lasts, and what you do to help.
Always reach out to safe support when it really burdens your thinking or moves towards a more hopeless level.

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO…you’re NOT by yourself!!! This year has been tough all way around!!! I’ve learned that tomorrow will be a NEW day, so I don’t let today affect my mood swing that much & I push through the mood swing. Recently, chocolate ice cream has been my saving grace. I’ve discovered that chocolate will change the serotonin level in my brain & little things STOP bothering me for a little while. Sometimes, all it takes is a good night’s sleep or a cat nap!!! You’re blessed to have your Mom to talk with!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

It always has for me. Even as a child I’d ask my mom why there were so many sad people in the world. It was obvious even at that young age that people are not always doing well.
I’ve always heard that we should feel our emotions and acknowledge them, even wallow if it’s a true misery, but not ‘live there’. Give it a time limit then move on.

I’m glad you have your mom, hope she’s doing well. :)

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