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Jeruba's avatar

Do you keep a pair of pliers in the kitchen?

Asked by Jeruba (55983points) 3 months ago

—For all those tabs you can’t peel and seals you can’t unseal?

Or do you have another solution?

I can’t get the inner seal off the bottle of orange juice even if I grab the tab with my teeth. I can’t peel back the safety seal under the lid of the mayonnaise jar unless I rip little bits out of it with the pliers.

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18 Answers

janbb's avatar

Scissors and teeth and little sharp knives.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Three different pliers !

Needle nose, slip joint and water pump pliers

JLeslie's avatar

No, but maybe I should.

I use my fingers or a knife.

zenvelo's avatar

yes, I do too. A couple different ones, including a multitool.

filmfann's avatar

Yes. Regular and needle nose.

jca2's avatar

For mayo and sour cream and other things like that, I stab it with a knife and make a hole in it, and then pull it out from the hole. Milk, I just try really hard and concentrate and I usually get it.

It’s very annoying.

flutherother's avatar

I keep a pair of scissors in the kitchen and I have a toolbox under the stairs which contains hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, drills etc. I used to have trouble with tin openers before buying a KitchenAid model about a year ago.

canidmajor's avatar

My regular toolbox is steps away from the kitchen, but for the tasks you describe, I do what @janbb does.

Forever_Free's avatar

For those stubborn seals or when my fingers are not dry enough I use a knife to cut it open and remove the seal.
I also find that knockoff brands and certain manufacturers utilize terribly difficult to remove seals.

elbanditoroso's avatar

In the garage. Which is connected to the kitchen by a door.

SnipSnip's avatar

Yes. I sometimes just use one of those rubbery sheets meant for opening jars.

janbb's avatar

I do have piers in the basement that I will occasionally get for toughies. My biggest problem in recent years has been opening the plastic seal on Talenti ice cream tubs. I eventually went to YouTube and found several videos with different solutions but the best was to hold the top under hot water for a few seconds. I recently read that Talenti realizes that their tubs are a problem and are working on it!!

jca2's avatar

Talenti I stab with a knife and then pull the pieces of paper out.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 Do you mean the paper covering or the seal around the top? I used to go around underneath it with a sharp knife but that took forever when you you want ice cream. This way is much better.

jca2's avatar

I mean the paper covering that is sealed to the plastic container. I stab it like poking it and then I put my finger in the hole and pull the pieces of paper out.

BTW I love Talenti containers to keep and use for other things – food and non-food.

janbb's avatar

^^ The paper is not the problem.

Zaku's avatar

No pliers, but I have a tool with a metal hook that is perfect for metal can tabs.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes, I have sets of pliers almost everywhere.

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