Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Considering how many MAGA-ites went to jail after the January 6 insurrection, what's the likelihood of a similar violent reaction to yesterday's jury decision?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33634points) May 31st, 2024

Are MAGA supporters as eager to be arrested and go to jail to support Donald Trump as they were on January 6, 2021?

Is it worth going to jail on behalf of Donald Trump?

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10 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Remember when he said he would cover all their legal costs?
Seeing as he can’t even pay his own legal costs I would say no,no,NO!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

TRUMP has. the names of the jurors, he may post their names on his website “Lair’s Anti-Social”. First one dead on the list will be the end of him posting and may put Gag. Order into murder conspiracy ! !

jca2's avatar

I think Trump lovers love him so much they’d die for the cause, so getting arrested would definitely be a sacrifice they’d be willing to make. He’d love to see them show their loyalty by taing to the streets on his behalf.

janbb's avatar

I don’t think there will be much violence right now although I may be wrong. When and if he loses, there will be.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I think that Trump should stop telling his supporters to “fight like hell”.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think anything will happen right away, although a lone Trumper could do something crazy no doubt. I hope they maintain heavy security at the courthouse and for the judge and the jury members. Are they doing nothing for them?

Did you find it interesting that no one got to a jury member? Meaning it seems like none were threatened.

I think putting the Jan 6 rioters in jail made a difference to stop some of these followers from joining in on rioting behaviors and assaults that might have occurred without the courts’ actions.

I hope Trump gets no jail time. The Republicans are kind of warning (projecting) how they will use the courts. I fear people will start being jailed for political dissent. Terrifying.

KNOWITALL's avatar

The far right extremists may, jail is not a deterrent to some of them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Some think Trump will pardon them. I highly doubt that many of the J6ers, thought they would end up in prison.

jca2's avatar

Watch, he’ll be calling for his Proud Boys to stand up and stand back, which will be the calling for them all.

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