Social Question

jca2's avatar

What's a good amount to give as a graduation gift for this girl?

Asked by jca2 (17248points) June 1st, 2024

My friend’s daughter is graduating from high school. The mom (my friend) used to work in the same department as I did, so we’d see each other at work, to chat and shoot the breeze. They’re in the same school district as we are, and the brother is in my daughter’s grade.

I’m not close friends with the mom, meaning we don’t do things together except see each other at school events and the annual holiday party here. We don’t talk on the phone, we text. I don’t know the graduate at all, other than being her mom’s friend.

The party is going to be one with a DJ, so it’s a bit more than just sandwiches at their house or something small. My teenage daughter is invited, too, but I am not sure if I am taking her as she wouldn’t have fun.

What’s a good amount to give as a gift? I’m thinking $50 but I am totally open to other ideas, including giving an actual gift instead of money.

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15 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A percentage of the students grades in cash.

Or help moving into college dorms, or first apartment.

Or help with for college or first job.

A small 30 year savings bond.

I got a savings bond from my grandmother and used it to make an emergency rent payment

chyna's avatar

50.00 is my usual go to amount as long as there aren’t too many graduates, marriages, showers, etc at the same time.

zenvelo's avatar

$50 sounds about right, although my first inclination when I read the question was $25.

How much is.a Cross Pen set these days?

kevbo1's avatar

I was also thinking $50. I gave my cousin’s son $150 a few weeks ago.

SnipSnip's avatar

Money. If you don’t like that perhaps a tablet sleeve or nice pen set. His post-grad plans should help you. If he’s college bound you have a whole list of items that will be useful.

smudges's avatar

My first thought is $25 since you’re not do-things-together friends with the mom and don’t even know the graduate. Even if you can afford $50 it seems excessive in that situation.

gorillapaws's avatar

$25—$50 seems about right to me. I hope you have a fun time.

JLeslie's avatar

$50 or if she has a registry you could possibly do $35ish and give her a gift that she actually picked out and so the amount won’t matter as much.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Your phone number. To call when needed.

jca2's avatar

Update: I attended with my daughter and I gave a check for $50.

jca2's avatar

I should have added the details – she had a pizza truck making gourmet pizza (wood fired, really cool) pasta and salad, all on the truck, and she had fruit. For dessert, so much dessert. A huge cake, probably she could have had a cake ⅓ of the size and it would have been fine, plus cookies with the graduate’s photo on them, plus ice cream and tiramisu. We had a great time and we stayed until around 10. It was not a hot night and she has a beautiful piece of property. We really enjoyed ourselves.

JLeslie's avatar

Nice! I like the truck idea.

gorillapaws's avatar

@jca2 That sounds amazing. I’m glad you had a great time and after hearing that she went “all-out” I think the $50 was the correct gift.

smudges's avatar

Worked out great and sounds fun!

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