Who do you leave it all to if you have no close relatives?
Asked by
chyna (
June 1st, 2024
from iPhone
Or even if you do and don’t like them? I was talking to a close friend who is in his 70’s and is an only child. He has no close family and wonders who he should leave his estate to.
Before anyone says me, I have declined. But this really isn’t about him and his estate. What if it were you? Who do you leave your stuff to if you have no family?
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15 Answers
I’d give some of it to some of my closest friends.
I’d research charities to give to also.
There are a few people who I feel badly they didn’t make more money when they helped me, I’d love to surprise them with some money.
Friend who is a good person but who had a rough life for reasons none of his own fault.
Trash collectors.
What do I care? I will be dead!
Favorite charitible organization.
If it’s money I’d leave it to a local pet rescue.
As satisfying as it might be to squander it by commissioning a ridiculous, obscene monument to be exhibited in a public place, I’d probably invest it in an organization charged with getting rank-choice-voting on the ballot in all 50 states.
Leave the good things to people you like, or whoever would appreciate it, and the junk to people you dislike.
They might want to check into the laws where they live. Here if there is no will, it goes to the state. Then, if a relative (no matter how distant) puts in a claim & it can go to them even if you never met them or didn’t like them.
To close friends, or a charity of your choice,just make sure it clearly says that in the will, so no one can contest it.
Because if you don’t the government will get their greedy hands on it and no one wants that.
Oh i’d pick a deserving person for a mysterious inheritance. So fun!
Part to my church and part to whoever’s going to care for my cats, if they outlive me.
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