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What do you think about this video about race in Germany vs the US?
Feli from Germany has a youtube channel. She grew up in Germany and also spent time in the US, and now she lives in the US. She does videos talking about differences she observes in the two countries. Sometimes very fun subjects and sometimes more serious.
This video she talks about the US asking on forms people’s race. She found this so odd. You don’t need to watch the whole video to get the idea, but she does go over some interesting things throughout the video, so if the topic does interest you, you might want to stick with it.
The timing of the video piqued my interest, because recently I learned the US census will be changing in 2030 (unless something stops the change) to not list Hispanic separately from race, and that people from the Middle East will have a separate category when previously they did not. All categories will be listed together and people can choose more than one category. Here is some info about that The video talks about it also.
Do you think we should stop asking all of these race and ethnicity categories? Or, do you think it is important to gather data to know if a group is being discriminated against?
Most jellies have heard me talk about paranoia listing my religion on forms or other information that might give away that I am Jewish; it was something I was always warned about by my mother. Now, DNA testing can give this type of information, so does it matter regarding fears of another Nazi like regime? A bad government could get the information literally from our cells now.
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