Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What are the fun things you missed having and experiencing during childhood that you are catching up on now as an adult?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) June 7th, 2024 from iPhone

I did not have what I felt were enough toys to play with, comic books to read and collectibles to collect as a kid so I started getting those when I hit the ripe adult age of 35.

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4 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Sleeping late. When I was a kid, I was up at the crack of dawn doing stuff – delivering papers, going to school, playing with friends all day.

Now ..sleeping late is a luxury.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Being raised by a single mother and a bio dad who didnt want to help, we were poor. I will always worry about money, its hardwired now, but it sure is nice not to check my account balance before buying something.

JLeslie's avatar

Being able to do whatever I want 75% of the time.

Not being painfully dragged out of bed at 0’dark hundred to go to school.

Dance more. I did get to dance as a child, but now I can do some sort of dancing every day if I want to.

See palm trees every day.

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