Well. It’s over.
I haven’t heard anyone say that HB shouldn’t have been convicted.
One big part of HB’s defense was that he did not consider himself an addict, at the time he filled that form out.
His behavior around that time, according to multiple sources, suggested he was indeed still very much on drugs.
They can dress him up, to bring him to court. But for a guy that smokes crack, and is involved with that life, he is really a sad case.
I wager ALL of us, have been effected by the plethora of street drugs and everything that comes with it.
It has nothing to do with Mexico, or China.
The US, is one of the world’s biggest illegal drug markets.
It really doesn’t matter, what changes, if people here still desire such drugs.
Supply, WILL meet such a large demand.
I believe that the drug use, is a symptom of our diseased society. However it’s said, it’s an in-house issue.
Wulf. The lefties decriminalized drugs in 2020, in Oregon.
The results were catastrophic.
They have hit full reverse, but unfortunately I agree that this isn’t the most effective way of dealing with the problem.
What I hate about prison sentences, is that they destroy a person’s ability to even recover.
The neglect, sexual violence, and harsh conditions of America’s privatized prison system, does NOT address rehabilitation. Which is supposed to be a factor, at least in non-violent cases.
Not JUST punishment.
The “justice” system is as systematically flawed, as any other. It thrives, off of keeping people locked up.
I don’t have any great suggestions, on how to battle the country’s drug problems.
I could say, there has been a war on the Middle class, and poor.
And I believe that.
I also know (from history,) that such top heavy empires, are NOT sustainable.
I WOULD like to see how people behaved, if they had livable wages, affordable housing, good education, and nutrition.
But. That will never happen.
The wealthy don’t understand.
Covid, was in part SO deadly, because people aren’t healthy.
Viruses, don’t care about if someone is wealthy or poor.
The rich, and wealthy who suffered from the ravages of Covid, were really suffering from keeping people in abject squalor.
Unhealthy, poor people, living in poverty, breed such pandemics.
Or at least help them spread faster.
I know that there are PLENTY of rich people, who abuse illicit substances. But many of them had affluent lives, which seems to be less than ideal for growing people.
Maybe if we put narcane in the water, nobody can get high?....