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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What tricks did you use to circumvent rules?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25045points) June 16th, 2024

Update sorry for the formatting error. As I can’t edit on my phone very well.

I asked for a telescope. I reasoned that to use it for astronomy that I would need a later curfew.

A minimum wage job at the time paid $5/hour and was $500 a month. So I was doing well. The only drawback was that I had a large pizza and 2 liters of cola every night, and I ended up in the hospital emergency ward for constipation. Was admitted for a week in the inpatient ward. My dad took over my route and he was angry that I quit after I got home.

I would stay up all night and get up early to deliver news papers. As I delivered them as soon as possible I stayed up all night and would get lots of tips (sometimes $20 from one subscriber) for prompt delivery.

As a teenager, in the 90’s I was clearing $400/month plus tips; for delivering news papers.

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