It’s pretty pathetic, that EVERY thread that mentions gender, is automatically blown into some misogynistic mountain.
And ALWAYS, by the same jellies.
Jellies I have high regard for, until they start this crap.
In case it’s not somehow glaringly obvious, repeatedly acting this way only undermines and devalues your positions on subjects that ARE sexist.
How am I supposed to understand anything, if EVERYTHING is treated like this?
Are you scoring points for women’s rights, by doing this?
Or are you galvanizing negative opinions about women being too emotional or overreacting?
I recently mentioned that women hurt their own interests, by presenting themselves as sexual objects.
Of course, right away, a familiar jelly said that I support rape with that opinion.
This question (originally) asks a simple question. Is the time women spend on vanity, a productive use of you time?
It’s tempting to opine that women would have contributed FAR more to advances in science, medicine, and technology, if they weren’t so concerned about their appearance.
However. The jellies here, indicate that perhaps they don’t have more to offer, because they can’t even have a conversation.
“All men are assholes.”
Wow. That is some very deep, and thoughtful insight.
As that has not been Moded, I guess I have a license to say something equally absurd. Or demand it be removed.
However. As always, I prefer for people’s ignorance to stay, forever as a symbol of their true colors.
And so, I LOVE that on the same thread men are under attack, it was a female, who acted as they claimed men do.
And yes, many of these same jellies take pleasure in constantly inferring that one of their own is a prostitute.
I pity you ladies.
Start a lurve party with each other, by joining forces against your “oppressors,” like you ALWAYS do.
Just don’t waste your time trying to be taken seriously seriously.
Because you DO ACT, as if you are inferior, when you could be making actual points that uphold your position.
For the ladies here, who did not exhibit childlike, or sexist behavior, I commend you.
You are actually helping all of us.